Annually, counties submit County Human Services Plans to the Department of Human Services for approval. Funds included in this plan are a small but significant portion of the total funds allocated to counties for the delivery of human services.
Funds within the plan include mental health community-based funded services, behavioral health services initiatives, intellectual disabilities community-based funded services, Act 152 drug and alcohol services, Homeless Assistance Program funding, and Human Services Development Funds.
Other significant sources of funding for county human services programs are not included in this plan. Examples of funding not included in the plan are: Intellectual Disabilities Waiver programs, Behavioral Health HealthChoices program, early intervention services, and county child welfare needs-based funded services.
Some counties have opted into the Human Services Block Grant, which allows counties to move funds between allocations to meet the needs of their county.
*Note: The search tool below contains the most recent years' county plans. To obtain copies of plans from prior years, please contact the DHS Office of Administrations' Bureau of Financial Operations by emailing