Now that you're connected with benefits and have the supports you need, the resources below can help you find a job.
- PA Careerlink
PA CareerLink was developed by the Department of Labor & Industry. This website contains information to help job-seekers find family-sustaining jobs and help employers find the skilled candidates that they need. The website also includes resources for specific job-seeking populations, such as individuals with disabilities, older Pennsylvanians, student and youth workers, and veterans.
- Office of Vocational Rehabilitation (OVR) — Regional Office Directory
OVR is an office in Pennsylvania's Department of Labor & Industry that helps Pennsylvanians with a disability find and keep employment. A person with a disability can refer themselves or be referred by a service coordinator, advocate, family or friend. Visit the OVR website and Labor and Industry's Disability Services website to learn more.
- Employment Resource Collection from ASERT: A statewide initiative to provide streamlined access to information for Pennsylvanians with autism.
- Employment First
With the assistance of the Department of Human Services, the PA Department of Labor & Industry developed a webpage dedicated specifically to Employment First in Pennsylvania. This webpage includes links to the annual reports submitted by the Office of the Governor, in collaboration with the Governor's Cabinet for People with Disabilities, and the Employment First Oversight Commission. This site also offers a collection of state, regional, and national resources for individuals, employers, and service providers.
- Commonwealth Employment Search
View and apply for current job openings within the Commonwealth.
For More Information
Connect with your service coordinator, county caseworker, or managed care organization (MCO) care manager.