Innovations in Development
Innovations in development are currently moving through the STIC Innovation Development Process. During the process, the TAG Leader assigns an Innovation Owner and a Development Team. The Development Team is responsible for evaluating the potential benefits and challenges of the innovation, available resources for deployment, expected results, and other criteria for acceptance.
Cold Central Plant Recycling (CCPR) - CCPR is the process in which a base or binder asphalt pavement layer is produced at a centrally located mobile/stationary plant using Reclaimed Asphalt Pavement (RAP) from an existing stockpile or millings from an ongoing project, either emulsified asphalt or foamed asphalt and sometimes an active filler such as cement. After the CCPR is produced, it is loaded onto trucks and hauled to the project for placement using conventional paving and compaction equipment.
Fuel Resistant Highly Modified Asphalt for Use in Combatting Amish Buggy Pavement Damage - This innovation uses highly polymer modified jet fuel resistant asphalt that is extremely resistant to rutting, raveling and to damage from horse urine.
Bridge Link Slabs - Link slabs are continuous concrete decks over simply supported steel or concrete girders at the piers.
Environmentally Sensitive Area Signage - Specially-designed, unique signage can be used to mark areas that are environmentally sensitive or have been planted as mitigation.
Slotted Median Barrier - Slotted Median Barriers are designed with a large hydraulic opening on the bottom to allow for drainage. They are particularly useful for flood prone areas and can act like a dam in areas where flooding is a concern, while also reducing other hazards, such as vehicle snagging, glare shielding and passage of animals.
Standardizing Concrete Color on Bridges - The goal it to develop standard item numbers and a standard specification for concrete colors on PennDOT bridges, to provide a more consistent look across Pennsylvania and reduce prolonged “review loops,” when manufacturers have trouble matching color or finding the correct shade of color for a certain bridge.
Environmental Monitor Role for Large Construction Projects - The goal of the innovation is to include an expert for concerns related to wetlands, streams, wildlife habitats and cultural resources on construction projects, who will coordinate with contractor and PennDOT staff on all environmental and permitting matters to help ensure protection of sensitive environmental resources.
Snow Plow Cameras and Automated Vehicle Locator (AVL) - The Snow Plow Cameras and AVL System innovation will enhance the existing AVL system with the integration of plow cameras helping the public, maintenance and traffic operations communities better react to on the ground conditions.
LED Lighted Plow Wings - The LED lights will be installed on the front plows and wing plows, providing better visibility to operators and motorists during snowstorms and nighttime operations. The flexible lighted markers will be powered by the battery of the vehicle and connected through a wiring harness.
Air Foil - The Air Foil innovation is an arched piece of metal or plastic that is mounted to the rear of a large dump truck. The purpose of this device is to use the air passing over the top of the truck while it is moving and force it down the backside of the truck, reducing the material buildup on the tailgate, rear lights and spreader system of the truck. It minimizes the need for operators to frequently pull over and clean off the back of the truck and increases visibility of the plow trucks for the motoring public during winter weather events.
Lane Reservation System - Lane Reservation System a tool to ensure crews are performing road work at the most appropriate times to minimize impacts to the traveling public.
Automated Traffic Signal Performance Measures (ATSPMs) - ATSPMs are an innovative way to use "big data" to analyze and optimize the performance of traffic signals.
Deployed Innovations
After the innovation is moved to the Advancement Phase of the Innovation Development Process, a project lead is assigned to guide the innovation through deployment.
Cement Slurry for Full Depth Reclamation
Design-Build Traffic Control Plan
Environmental Reference Webpages
Expanded Polystyrene Geofoam
High Friction Surface Treatment
Highway Safety Manual
LED Highway Lighting and Policy
Non-Woven Geotextiles
Pervious Pavement
Salt and Snow Management Course
Hot Pour Mastics
Predictive Work Zone Analysis
Stormwater Training
Certified Concrete Finishers Course
Vegetation Management Catalog
Sequential Dynamic Lighting Chevrons
FHWA Every Day Counts (EDC)
EDC is a state-based model that identifies and rapidly deploys proven, yet underutilized innovations in a two-year cycle to shorten the project delivery process, enhance roadway safety, reduce traffic congestion, and integrate automation.
Nighttime Visibility for Safety
Nighttime pedestrian fatalities are three times higher than daytime rate fatalities, resulting in 76% of pedestrian fatalities occurring at night. Increasing nighttime visibility can reduce crashes at rural and urban intersections by 38% using well-designed lighting. A key focus of this innovation is lighting, including the design, maintenance, and technology advancements to improve pedestrian crossings near activity locations, such as schools, parks, transit stops, and sports complexes. Enhancing visibility in these high-activity areas with cost-effective and proven lighting and traffic control device countermeasures can save lives.
Next Generation TIM: Technology for Saving Lives
More than 6 million reportable crashes occur each year in the United States, resulting in 2 million injuries and more than 30,000 fatalities. Additionally, there are over 32 million disabled vehicles and countless incidents of roadway debris. These events put responders and motorists at risk of secondary crashes. The Next Generation Traffic Incident Management (NextGen TIM) programs promote emerging technologies to advance safety and mitigate incident impacts to clear incidents collaboratively, safely, and quickly. NextGen TIM feeds a larger TIM role in the Safe Systems approach, by creating a safe working environment for vital first responders and preventing secondary crashes through robust TIM practices. This innovation aims to provide new tools, data and training mechanisms to protect everyone on the road.
Strategic Workforce Development
The demand for highway construction, maintenance, and operations workers is on the rise while the industry is also seeing a rise of emerging technologies that will require new skills. This innovation aims to attract and retain workers in highway construction jobs and provide them with the necessary training to fill these vital jobs. Increasing the highway construction workforce can help communities thrive while solving one of today’s most persistent national transportation problems and offers an opportunity to recruit underrepresented groups, including minorities and women, to jobs that can change their lives.
Enhancing Performance with Internally Cured Concrete (EPIC2)
Cracking in concrete is a limiting factor in achieving long-term concrete performance. When this cracking occurs at an early age, it leaves the concrete and embedded reinforcement exposed to degradation, reducing the service life of the structure. Unlike conventional curing where water is supplied on the concrete’s surface, internal curing provides a source of moisture from inside the concrete mixture, improving its resistance to cracking and overall durability. This innovation aims to alleviate shrinkage cracking and has the potential to substantially extend the service life of concrete bridge decks and enhance the performance of pavements and repairs.
EPD’s for Sustainable Project Delivery
Environmental product declarations, or EPDs, document the environmental impacts of construction materials such as concrete and asphalt during their life cycle. This tool helps support procurement decisions and quantify embodied carbon reductions using life cycle assessments for sustainable pavements. It also helps agencies reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in their construction projects. EPD's provide an opportunity to reduce negative environmental impacts by transforming the project delivery process and encourage the demand and supply of products that promote more sustainable use of resources and create less stress on the environment. Agencies can leverage the use of EPDs to support decision-making throughout the project delivery process, such as requesting EPDs at material installation to establish and develop benchmarks for current designs and projects.
Automated Traffic Signal Performance Measures (ATSPMs)
Collaborative Hydraulics: Advancing to the Next Generation of Engineering "C.H.A.N.G.E."
e-Construction & Partnering: A Vision for the Future
Pavement Preservation "When, Where & How"
Using Data to Improve Traffic Incident Management (TIM)
How does PA compare? View the FHWA EDC Round 4 Final Report.