Oil & Gas Technical Advisory Board (OG TAB)
The Oil and Gas Technical Advisory Board (TAB) was established pursuant to Section 3226 of the 2012 Oil and Gas Act (Oil and Gas Act) and consists of five voting members appointed by the Governor. Three of the members must be a petroleum engineer, a petroleum geologist, or an experienced driller. One member must be a mining engineer from the coal industry and the remaining member must be a geologist or petroleum engineer, chosen from a list of three names submitted by the Citizen’s Advisory Council. In addition to the voting members, DEP added three non-voting members to TAB to provide input from the public and environmental community. DEP shall consult with TAB in the formulation, drafting and presentation stages of all regulations of a technical nature promulgated under the Oil and Gas Act.
PA Grade Crude Development Advisory Council (CDAC)
This council was established through the Pennsylvania Grade Crude Development Act (Act 52 of 2016). Pursuant to this Act, DEP consults with CDAC on all policies and technical regulations promulgated under 58 Pa.C.S. (relating to oil and gas) and includes any written comments of the council as part of its submission to the Environmental Quality Board. The Department of Community and Economic Development (DCED) provides administrative support to the council.