Training Providers

Combining asbestos courses is prohibited. For example, a worker course may not be combined with a supervisor course and an initial course may not be combined with a refresher course. Each discipline must be taught as a separate, distinct course. If the inspector and management planner refresher courses are held the same day, a 30-minute break is required between the two courses.

No, since March 2020, refresher courses are permitted to be held virtually by teleconferencing as long as the training provider administering the training is approved to teach their courses virtually. Online courses (where there isn’t a live instructor teaching the course) are NOT approved in Pennsylvania.

To request approval to teach virtual courses that are already approved to be taught in person, the training provider must submit their plan to our office stating the type of technology to be utilized and how they will comply with the following requirements:

  • Training provider must record the entire training session and be prepared to make the recording available to L&I or an L&I representative upon request.
  • Students must understand and consent to, prior to the start of the course, the recording of the course and their participation in the course.
  • Instructor must ensure that each course is conducted without prejudice nor harassment.
  • All students and the trainer must have video capability.
  • All participants must have a good internet connection.
  • Training provider’s chosen teleconferencing technology must allow phone call-ins in case the audio cuts out (instructor must maintain video feed from student).
  • Instructor must provide quality instruction which includes interactive participatory training methods (not lecture only), similar to an in-person course. All students must actively participate in classroom discussion.
  • During instruction time, students may not talk to people who are not in the class, take telephone calls, text, surf the internet or read materials unrelated to the class.
  • Students cannot have distractions (people interrupting, telephones ringing, excess background noise, etc.) during the course.
  • Class materials must be provided to all students.
  • Font size of all presented materials must be large enough to be easily legible.
  • Training provider needs to address how attendance will be taken throughout the training, including after breaks and lunch.
  • The number of students for each class cannot exceed the capability of the teleconferencing platform being used and be no more than 25 students per class.
  • Training provider must issue a training course certificate to each student that completes the teleconferenced course in its entirety. The course certificate must designate that the course was completed virtually.
  • L&I employees must receive real time access to all teleconferenced courses
  • All requirements for courses remain as far as notifications, revisions, cancelations, course materials, approved instructors, paperwork (except that a course attendance list can be submitted in lieu of a course sign-in sheet), etc. Access information to the teleconferenced course must be sent in along with the course notification.

Initial training course notifications must be submitted five (5) days (Sunday – Saturday) prior to the start of the course. Revisions (including relocation of training) and cancellations of training course notifications must be submitted to our office by email or fax as soon as the decision is made. They may be sent by email to or by fax to 717-705-0196.

The training course sign-in sheets/evaluation forms must be submitted to our office within five (5) days of the completion of the course. They may be sent by email to, by fax to 717-705-0196 or by mail to:

Department of Labor and Industry
CAL Division
651 Boas Street, Room 1606
Harrisburg, PA 17121

Yes, if you plan to teach the course that year. Training providers need to renew courses every year they plan to teach them and should submit an application for training course accreditation in a timely manner so as not to interfere with their training schedule. NOTE: The Department has thirty (30) days, starting from the time our office receives the completed application, to review training course accreditation applications.

To add a new instructor to an approved training provider, email our office at with your request to add a new instructor and a copy of the individual’s resume showing how they meet EPA’s instructor requirements (EPA 40 CFR 763, Section I (B), I(E)(4), III(A)(7) and III(B)(4)). An instructor cannot teach a course until they are approved by our office to do so.

When a guest instructor will be acting as a principal instructor for a training provider on a course, they must be added as a new instructor and must be approved by the Department for that training provider prior to providing instruction. The instructor should be listed on the course notification for the course they are instructing.

When, instead, the guest speaker is only providing their expertise on a particular subject within the training course, for a short duration while the principal instructor of the entire course is present, the use of the guest speaker does not require prior approval by the Department and does not need to be listed on the course notification form. If the training provider chooses to list a guest speaker of this nature on the notification form, it should be clearly noted on the form who will be the principal instructor and who will be the guest speaker as well as what topic(s) the guest speaker will cover.

Any proposed change to training materials must be submitted to our office at least ten (10) days prior to its proposed implementation date. The documentation must clearly state the course it is for and may be sent by email to or by fax to 717-705-0196. Our office will notify the training provider once the materials have been reviewed.

If the instructor teaching the training course signs the sign-in sheet for each session of the course (i.e., morning and afternoon for each day, as applicable) and completes an evaluation form for themselves, they can receive credit for the course, receive a training certificate for the course, and use it to apply for Pennsylvania certification for that particular discipline.


Any individuals who are conducting asbestos abatement and/or asbestos abatement activities in Pennsylvania must complete approved asbestos abatement training and submit the appropriate application, training certificate(s) and fee to our office.

Any company who employs individuals who conduct asbestos abatement services in Pennsylvania must submit the appropriate application and fee to our office. Companies who only employ project designers, inspectors, and/or management planners do not need Asbestos certification in Pennsylvania.

Click here for current application forms and fees.

A valid Pennsylvania asbestos certification photo ID license (for the individual) and an Asbestos Contractor certification (for the company) is required to conduct asbestos abatement in Pennsylvania.

All companies applying for Asbestos Contractor certification are required to have a valid, licensed Asbestos Contractor Individual on staff. All asbestos certified workers and supervisors must work for a valid, licensed Asbestos Contractor in order to perform asbestos abatement activities. Working for multiple valid, licensed Asbestos Contractors at a time or as a day-laborer for any valid, licensed Asbestos Contractor is permissible.

Click here for a list of Pennsylvania accredited asbestos training providers and their contact information. Feel free to contact them regarding their training schedule and training course fees.

Pennsylvania is reciprocal with other states’ asbestos abatement training, provided the training is accredited by a state that is accredited by EPA to run the asbestos program.

Applicants need to submit a completed application, a copy of either ALL Asbestos Training Course Certificates, including your Initial Course, OR your most recent Asbestos Refresher Training Course Certificate with a valid out-of-state Asbestos license for that discipline and a check or money order for the appropriate fee. Click here for current application forms and fees.

A company must complete the Asbestos Contractor Certification Application and submit it to our office with the applicable fee. On the application, they must designate which of their employees will be their Asbestos Contractor Individual and that employee’s Asbestos Contractor Individual certification number. The employee who will work in the capacity of the Contractor Individual for the company must have completed Asbestos Supervisor training. The employee’s initial asbestos occupation application can be submitted at the same time as the contractor application.

Yes, there is a one (1) year grace period for asbestos training.

If you have held a Pennsylvania asbestos certification previously and are applying for renewal, you need to submit a copy of your most recent valid training course certificate, and any training course certificate(s) taken since you last applied, along with a completed application and applicable fee. However, if you are applying for a new type of certification (i.e., you were a Worker previously and now are applying for Supervisor, etc.) you must follow the guideline on how to obtain initial certification.

Click here for current application forms and fees.

If you are an employee of an abatement company that has an expired certification, you cannot renew your certification until their certification has been renewed, since an individual cannot perform abatement work for a company who does not hold current abatement certification. Click here to verify the current expiration date of an abatement company and to view the Certified Asbestos Abatement Contractors list.

No, Pennsylvania requires everyone who works in asbestos abatement and/or asbestos abatement activities to be certified by Pennsylvania and hold a valid Pennsylvania asbestos photo ID license.

Certification is issued through the training certificate’s expiration date. For example: If you apply for your Pennsylvania Asbestos Worker certification on May 1, 2022, with your training certificate, which was issued on January 1, 2022 and valid through January 1, 2023, then your Pennsylvania certification will be issued as valid through January 1, 2023. As the time between May 1, 2022 and January 1, 2023 is 7 months, the fee of “6 months or more” would apply.

Click here to view a current list of the application fees.

Federal and state government employees who perform abatement work exclusively for their employer are exempt from the certification fee. Also, public school district employees who perform abatement work exclusively for the school district are exempt from the certification fee under Act 24.

A check or money order made payable to the Commonwealth of PA.

Applicants are permitted to hand deliver their application to the Labor & Industry building, but the review and processing of the paperwork is completed on a first come, first serve basis. Applicants should mail their application along with their appropriate training documentation and fee to:

Department of Labor & Industry
Asbestos Division
651 Boas Street, Room 1606
Harrisburg, PA 17121

No, your application must be reviewed and processed prior to you being able to perform asbestos abatement activities in Pennsylvania.

The review and processing of submitted paperwork is completed on a first come, first serve basis and, on average, can take two to three weeks once the submission is received by our office. However, as soon as your application is processed and your name shows on our website listing of Individuals Certified to Perform Asbestos Abatement Work, you may work as long as your employer and the facility being abated does not require you to have the license in hand. Click here fo view the  list.

Applicants will receive a letter with a barcode in the mail that they must take to a Pennsylvania Department of Transportation Photo Center. To find a Photo Center in Pennsylvania near you, please visit PennDOT’s website at . There, the applicant will present their original bar code letter, have their picture taken, and receive their Asbestos photo ID license. The Asbestos photo ID license is required to be held at the jobsite when performing asbestos abatement activities.

Important: the barcode letter is only valid in lieu of the photo ID for 30 days from its issue date. (The issue date is listed on the barcode letter.) You can utilize the barcode letter to obtain the Asbestos photo ID license at PennDOT until the expiration date listed on the letter.

If you do not receive the barcode letter in the mail, please contact our office at stating your name, the discipline you applied for, and the address the letter should have been sent to.

If you need another copy of your license, you must send a written request to our office for a duplicate barcode letter along with a check or money order for the current duplicate fee. The request should include your name, the discipline of the duplicate barcode letter being requested and the address where the letter should be mailed. Click here for current fees.
Our mailing address is as follows:

Department of Labor & Industry
Asbestos Division
651 Boas Street, Room 1606
Harrisburg PA 17121

Certification/licensure is an annual process that is issued through the training certificate’s expiration date.

For example: If you apply for your Pennsylvania Asbestos Worker certification on May 1, 2022, with your training certificate, which was issued on January 1, 2022 and valid through January 1, 2023, then your Pennsylvania certification will be issued as valid through January 1, 2023.

If you have additional questions about the Department of Labor & Industry's asbestos certification requirements, please contact our office:

Phone: 717-772-3396
Fax: 717-705-0196

Mailing Address:
PA Department of Labor & Industry
Certification, Accreditation & Licensing Division
651 Boas Street, Room 1606
Harrisburg, PA 17121