
The Bedding and Upholstery Section tests toys for flammability, materials, and design safety. Manufacturers who want to sell or give away stuffed toys in Pennsylvania must register with the Department.

Stuffed toys must have a tag with the Pennsylvania registration number of the manufacturer. This tag shows that the toy has been checked by the Department and the manufacturer is registered. Manufacturers can apply for registration by filling out the Pennsylvania Toy Registration form and mailing it to the address below. You can also renew your registration online by clicking on the Online Payments.

Mail completed applications to:

Department of Labor & Industry Division of Bedding and Upholstery
651 Boas Street, Room 1606
Harrisburg, PA 17121
Telephone: (717) 787-6848
Fax: (717) 787-6925
Email: BUTOYS@pa.gov