Blooming Grove 4-H Hiking Trail

This nearly seven-mile trail system was developed by Pike County 4-H Club members in cooperation with the Bureau of Forestry. It features two loop trails encircling hardwood swamps and a meadow.

The trail is also open to snowshoe users in winter and is located just west of Route 402, about one-half mile south of US 6.

Thunder Swamp Trail System

The Thunder Swamp trail system (PDF) traverses 26 miles of southern Pike County. The trail is highlighted by mountain streams, swamps, varieties of forest types, forest management practices, and other natural features found on the Pocono Plateau.

This trail system offers short loop trails for day use and longer loops for overnight, backpack camping. Permits are required if group camping (more than 10 persons) or stay at the same location for more than one night.

To request a camping permit, please fill out the State Forest camping application form.

For more information or to obtain a hardcopy map or camping permit, contact the district office at ​570-895-4000. 

Other District Trails

Several additional district hiking trails can be accessed from these areas: