Why Choose CTI at HGAC?

At CTI at HGAC, education is not confined to the classroom. While most of a student’s time and attention is focused on education and training, job skills are only part of the learning experience. A continuum of support services, ranging from vocational evaluation and career exploration to independent living skills, combine to offer students the skills they will need to live, work and contribute to their communities.

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CTI at HGAC: An Accredited Education


  • Accrediting Commission of Career Schools and Colleges (ACCSC)
  • Commission for the Accreditation of Rehabilitation Facilities (CARF)
  • Certificates of licensure and accreditation are available for review

State Approvals and Licenses 

  • Pennsylvania State Board of Private Licensed Schools
  • Pennsylvania Department of Education to award degrees of Associate in Specialized Technology and Associate in Specialized Business
  • Bureau of Vocational Rehabilitation Services
  • Bureau of Blindness and Visual Services
  • Approved for the Education of Veterans
  • Pennsylvania Act 101 Equal Educational Opportunity Program

Program Advisory Committees 

All CTI programs have Program Advisory Committees (PACs) that include individual members from businesses within various industries who represent expertise in specific occupations. Each Program Advisory Committee has made it its mission to review curriculum, advise on state-of-the-art equipment needs, identify the personnel expectations of potential employers and increase opportunities for placement of graduates.