For Public Review
The following is published for a period of public comment. All comments, from all parties, are welcome and will be considered equally and in full by L&I BWDA Policy & Planning Coordination Services, L&I leadership, and the policy’s drafting partners. Responses to submitted comments will be published as an attachment to the final policy.
Public comment opens on January 13th, 2025, and runs through 5 p.m. on February 12, 2025. Send comments in writing to
This policy and associated guidance provide information regarding the use of Pennsylvania’s Workforce Delivery System Identifier (also referred to as the logo) and national requirements for identification of the one-stop delivery system. The Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) Section 121 (e)(4) requires that, in addition to using any State or locally developed identifier, each one-stop delivery system shall include in the identification of products, programs, activities, services, facilities, and related property and materials, a common one-stop delivery system identifier.