The mission of the Pennsylvania Department of Aging is to promote independence, purpose and well-being in the lives of older adults through advocacy, service and protection.
PDA provides a wide array of services and programs to help older Pennsylvanians live and thrive in their homes and communities for as long as possible. These services include home-delivered and congregate meals, caregiver support, health and wellness services, personal assistance, senior community centers, Medicare enrollment counseling, transportation, job training, elder abuse prevention, PACE prescription assistance and more.
Popular Programs and Services
Shapiro Administration Urges Older Adults to Watch for Scams When Purchasing an Annuity
Department of Aging Secretary Spotlights Efforts to Protect Older Pennsylvanians from Abuse, Tours Site of First-of-its-Kind Center in the Commonwealth for Older Adults
Shapiro Administration Provides Safety Reminders in Advance of Extreme Heat Wave
Governor Shapiro and PA Department of Aging Release 10-Year Strategic Plan on Aging Designed to Improve Services for Older Pennsylvanians Now and in the Future