About the Hiram G. Andrews Center
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HGAC Mission Statement
The mission of the Hiram G. Andrews Center is to offer quality individualized post-secondary education, pre-employment transition and support services to customers as they determine and pursue individualized goals of employment and independence.
Located in suburban Johnstown, the Hiram G. Andrews Center campus covers more than 45 acres. Taking three years to build, it is the world’s first and largest rehabilitation facility specifically designed to provide comprehensive rehabilitation services under one roof.
From its’ opening in April 1959, the Hiram G. Andrews Center has achieved worldwide recognition, attracting distinguished visitors from many countries and has provided individualized educational and rehabilitation programs for residents and commuter students. An individual’s program may include pre-employment transition services, vocational evaluation, educational programming, cognitive therapies, physical restoration, career exploration, work-based learning experiences, work readiness and self-advocacy activities, assistive technology assessment and intervention.
As the only self-supporting government facility in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, it is not funded by direct legislative appropriations, but relies, instead, upon payment for services rendered.
The Hiram G. Andrews Center conducts a comprehensive program of services featuring the integration of pre-employment transition services, education, counseling, evaluation, therapy and physical maximization in a barrier-free environment.
At the Commonwealth Technical Institute at the Hiram G. Andrews Center, education is not confined to the classroom. While the majority of a student’s time and attention is focused on education and training, job skills are only one part of the learning experience. A continuum of support services ranging from vocational evaluation and career exploration to independent living skills combine to offer our students the skills they will need to live, work and contribute in the community. This variety of services also enables the individual to examine personal behavior and make positive changes in preparing for employer expectations in any work environment.
Search for Interpreter Services
Individualized Employment Services
Transition from School to Work