Welcome to the Pennsylvania Procurement Handbook online. This Handbook provides information on the policies, procedures, and guidelines for the procurement of materials, services, and construction under the authority of the Procurement Code.
The Procurement Handbook is not available for download or print as a whole document. Individual handbook chapters, which are accessible from this page, can be downloaded or printed separately. This is the only version of the official Procurement Handbook. Please check back here for the latest procurement information since updates occur regularly. The latest updates to the Procurement Handbook were published on November 25, 2024.
Please direct any questions or recommended updates regarding the Procurement Handbook to gs-procure@pa.gov.
Procurement Handbook
- Part I - Procurement Policies and Guidelines
- Part II – Procurement of Supplies Procedures
- Part III – Procurement of Services Procedures
- Part IV – Procurement of Design and Construction Services
- Procurement Code
- Addendums
- Procurement Code Thresholds
Procurement Handbook Chapters
Part I - Policies and Guidelines
- Pt I Ch 01 General Provisions
- Pt I Ch 02 Definitions
- Pt I Ch 03 Responsibilities
- Pt I Ch 04 Contract Use Need and Authorization
- Pt I Ch 05 Contracting Process
- Pt I Ch 06 Methods of Awarding Contracts
- Pt I Ch 07 Thresholds and Delegations
- Pt I Ch 08 Selecting Type of Contract
- Pt I Ch 09 Statewide Requirements Contracts
- Pt I Ch 10 Contract formats
- Pt I Ch 11 Multi-Term Contracts
- Pt I Ch 12 Real Estate Leases
- Pt I Ch 13 Specification Statement of Work
- Pt I Ch 14 Contractor Responsibility
- Pt I Ch 15 Prequalification
- Pt I Ch 16 Debarment and Suspension
- Pt I Ch 17 Approval of Accounting System
- Pt I Ch 18 Contract Payments
Pt I Ch 19 Employer Employee Issues - Pt I Ch 20 Nondiscrimination
- Pt I Ch 21 Small and Diverse Business
- Pt I Ch 22 Green Procurement
- Pt I Ch 23 Guaranteed Energy Savings Contracts
- Pt I Ch 24 Printing
- Pt I Ch 25 Maintenance of Commonwealth-Owned Automobiles
- Pt I Ch 26 Cancellation of Invitations for Bids and Requests for Proposals Rejection of All Bids and Proposals
- Pt I Ch 27 Procurement Card
- Pt I Ch 28 Cooperative Purchasing Including Purchasing from GSA Schedule Contract
- Pt I Ch 29 Procurement of Furniture Fixtures and Equipment for Public Universities
- Pt I Ch 30 Funds Commitments
- Pt I Ch 31 Contract Signatures
- Pt I Ch 32 Contract Changes
- Pt I Ch 33 Digital Services Acquisition
- Pt I Ch 34 Providing Equipment to Contractors
- Pt I Ch 35 Contract Identification Numbers
- Pt I Ch 36 Bid Or Proposal Security
- Pt I Ch 37 Contract Performance Security
- Pt I Ch 38 Payment Bonds
- Pt I Ch 39 Bid Modification and Withdrawal
- Pt I Ch 40 Non-Collusion and Bid-Rigging
- Pt I Ch 41 Written Determinations
- Pt I Ch 42 Reporting Requirements
- Pt I Ch 43 Contract Provisions
- Pt I Ch 44 Prevailing Wage Act
- Pt I Ch 45 Steel Products Procurement Act
- Pt I Ch 46 Trade Practices Act
- Pt I Ch 47 Reciprocal Limitations Act
- Pt I Ch 48 Inventory Management
- Pt I Ch 49 Best Value and Return On Investment
- Pt I Ch 50 Public Access to Procurement Information
- Pt I Ch 51 Auditing
- Pt I Ch 52 Records Retention
- Pt I Ch 53 Interagency Agreements Memoranda of Understanding and Intergovernmental Agreements
- Pt I Ch 54 Contact Person Responsibilities
- Pt I Ch 55 Roles of Contracting officer
- Pt I Ch 56 Quality Assurance
- Pt I Ch 57 Contractor Performance and Legal Remedies Materials and Services
- Pt I Ch 58 Bid Protests
- Pt I Ch 59 Contract Controversies
- Pt I Ch 60 Employee Ethics
Part II - Procurement of Supplies Procedures
- Pt II Ch 01 Small No-Bid Procurements
- Pt II Ch 02 Reserved
- Pt II Ch 03 Delegated formal Competitive Sealed Bidding
- Pt II Ch 04 Competitive Sealed Bidding Exceeding Delegated Thresholds
- Pt II Ch 05 Sole Source Procurement of Materials
- Pt II Ch 06 Emergency Procurements
- Pt II Ch 07 Competitive Sealed Proposals RFP Process
- Pt II Ch 08 Procurements from Effective DGS Statewide Requirements Contracts
- Pt II Ch 09 off-Contract Procurements
- Pt II Ch 10 Procurement from DGS Multiple Award Contracts
- Pt II Ch 11 Purchase of Materials Manufactured Or Services Performed By Persons With Disabilities
- Pt II Ch 12 Procurement of Equipment Through Rental Lease, Lease With Purchase Option Or Installment Purchase
- Pt II Ch 13 Purchase of Rented Or Leased Equipment
- Pt II Ch 14 Procurement of Used Equipment
- Pt II Ch 15 Procurement of Printing
- Pt II Ch 16 Trade-In Equipment
- Pt II Ch 17 Interagency Transfer Or Exchange of Materials
- Pt II Ch 18 Vehicle Procurements
- Pt II Ch 19 Procurement of Commercial Type Vehicles
- Pt II Ch 20 Material Procurement Through DGS Bureau of Supplies and Surplus Operations
- Pt II Ch 21 Procurement of Materials Or Services Through A Cooperative Purchase Agreement Including GSA Schedules
- Pt II Ch 22 Procurement of Insurance and Notary Bonds
- Pt II Ch 23 Invitation for Bid IFB Corrections
- Pt II Ch 24 DGS Change Orders
- Pt II Ch 25 Copier Lease Purchase Order Adjustments
- Pt II Ch 26 Agency Change Purchase Orders
- Pt II Ch 27 Reserved
- Pt II Ch 28 Procurement Overshipment and Undershipment
- Pt II Ch 29 Reserved
- Pt II Ch 30 Reserved
- Pt II Ch 31 Reserved
- Pt II Ch 32 Reserved
- Pt II Ch 33 Material Inspection
- Pt II Ch 34 Late Delivery of Ordered Materials
- Pt II Ch 35 Surcharge Program
- Pt II Ch 36 Release of Supplier Security
- Pt II Ch 37 Goods Receipt
- Pt II Ch 38 Request to Advertise
Part III - Procurement of Services Procedures
- Pt III Ch 01 Small No-Bid Procurements
Pt III Ch 02 Reserved
Pt III Ch 03 Delegated formal Competitive Sealed Bidding
Pt III Ch 04 Competitive Sealed Bidding
Pt III Ch 05 Sole Source Procurement of Services
Pt III Ch 06 Emergency Procurements of Services
Pt III Ch 07 Competitive Sealed Proposals RFP Process
Pt III Ch 08 Competitive Selection Procedures for Certain Services (Accounts Clergy Physicians Lawyers Dentists and Other Professional Services)
Pt III Ch 09 Procurement from Effective DGS Statewide Requirements Contracts for Services
Pt III Ch 10 Procurement of Contract Items off-Contract
Pt III Ch 11 Procurement from DGS Multiple Award Contracts
Pt III Ch 12 Purchase of Materials Manufactured Or Services Performed By Persons With Disabilities
Pt III Ch 13 Procedure for Selection of Counsel and Litigation Consultants By The office of General Counsel
Pt III Ch 14 Invitation for Bids IFB Corrections
Pt III Ch 15 Change Orders
Pt III Ch 16 Agency Change Orders
Pt III Ch 17 Purchase Requisitions Estimate Corrections
Pt III Ch 18 Request to Advertise
Part IV - Procurement of Design and Construction Services
- Pt IV Ch 01 Capital Projects
Pt IV Ch 02 No-Bid Procurements of Construction (P-Card)
Pt IV Ch 03 Sole Source Procurements of Construction With An Estimated Cost Exceeding $10000
Pt IV Ch 04 Emergency Procurements of Construction
Pt IV Ch 05 Procurements of Construction Material and Equipment Through DGS Bureau of Procurement Statewide Contracts
Pt IV Ch 06 Procurements of Construction Material and Equipment from DGS Bureau of Procurement Multiple Award Contracts
Pt IV Ch 07 Requests to Advertise
Pt IV Ch 08 Tier 1 ITQ Small Business Construction Contracts
Pt IV Ch 09 Small Business Design and Construction Programs
Pt IV Ch 10 Competitive Sealed Proposals RFP Process
Pt IV Ch 11 Guaranteed Energy Savings Act Projects
Pt IV Ch 12 Small Guaranteed Energy Savings Act Projects
Pt IV Ch 13 Procurement of Leasehold Improvements
Pt IV Ch 14 Small and Diverse Businesses
Pt IV Ch 15 Job Order Contracting Program
- Bureau of Procurement Policy Directive 2011-1
- BOP Policy Directive 2021-1
- Bop Revised Policy Directive 2020-1
- Bureau of Procurement Policy Directive 2023-1
- Rescission of Bureau of Procurement Policy Directives 2018-1 and 2018-2
Below are the Procurement Code Threshold amounts as adjusted on January 1, 2023.
- Section 514: $25,594
- Section 543: $2,559,418
- Section 903: $63,985
- Section 903: $255,942
- Section 905: $51,188,367
- Notification Date
- Date Action Taken
- Action Taken
- Notification Date
- Date Action Taken
- Action Taken
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Additional Information
Certificate Action Details
- Other Names
- Date of Birth
- Last School of Employment
- Certificate Type
- Certification Area
- Grounds for Discipline