Pennsylvania Historical & Museum Commission Awards Grants for Care of Pennsylvania’s Significant Historical and Archival Records

Harrisburg, PA - The Pennsylvania Historical & Museum Commission (PHMC) recently approved 16 Historical & Archival Records Care (HARC) grants totaling nearly $110,000 to help care for Pennsylvania’s significant historical records.

The grants range from $1,500 awarded to the Erie County Public Library to digitize two volumes of books containing handwritten biographical sketches of Erie County Civil War veterans to $15,000 awarded to Cumberland County to enhance the accountability, accessibility, and preservation of approximately 5,000 papers documenting proceedings of the county’s colonial Civil Court.
HARC grants fund projects designed to improve the preservation and accessibility of historically significant records maintained by local governments, historical societies and academic institutions.
The grants were based on a competitive review of the applications by a subcommittee of the Pennsylvania State Historical Records Advisory Board (SHRAB). The HARC grants are administered by the Pennsylvania State Archives, a bureau within the PHMC.
SHRAB operates under federal regulations governing the National Historical Publication and Records Commission and serves as the central advisory body for historical records planning in the state.
The Pennsylvania Historical & Museum Commission is the official history agency of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. Find out more about the commission online at
MEDIA CONTACT: Howard Pollman 717-705-8639
The following is a list of HARC grants by county:
Historical Society of Western Pennsylvania (dba) Senator John Heinz History Center - $4,959
Beaver County Historical Research & Landmarks Foundation - $4,377
Bedford County Register of Wills & Recorder of Deeds - $12,500
Bradford County Historical Society - $4,994
University of Pittsburgh at Johnstown - $11,440
Centre County Library & Historical Museum - $4,272
Cumberland County - $15,000
Erie County Public Library - $1,500
Lancaster - $9,550
Luzerne County Historical Society - $3,136
Schwenkfelder Library & Heritage Center - $2,000
Conservation Center for Art and Historic Artifacts - $5,000
The Historical Society of Pennsylvania - $14,110
Pennsylvania Horticultural Society - $2,058
Bethlen Home of the Hungarian Reformed Federation of America - $11,600
York County Archives - $3,052

PHMC Media Contact Details

Jay Losiewicz

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