Women’s History Month 2022

This is a video transcript for a social media post.


Intro sequence - a soft EDM beat plays synthesized chords. Photos of female troopers from various time periods float into frame from various directions. The last photo moves to reveal the text title "Women's History Month" and the PSP patch in full color.

A new scene begins with Trooper Kelly Smith standing in the PSP Museum. Various exhibit pieces can be seen in the background.

Trooper Smith: Hi, I’m Trooper Kelly Smith, Community Affairs Officer with the Office of Community Engagement. March is women’s history month. We have a milestone to celebrate this year as we commemorate the 50th Anniversary of women in the Pennsylvania State Police. Let’s take a walk back through history to 1972.

Trooper Smith gestures with her hand and walks off screen to the left. A new scene begins with Trooper Smith standing in the female trooper display, next to a mannequin dressed in female trooper attire, circa 1972.

The PA State Police welcomed the first female troopers on July 7, 1972...

A black and white photo of a PSP drill sergeant standing in front of a female cadet appears.

when 14 females graduated...

A black and white photo of the 14 Troopers in dress uniform appears.

as part of the 31st cadet class. 

Trooper Smith and the mannequin are seen again.

The PA State Police was the first state police department to enlist women and pay them equally to their male counterparts. Initial plans called for a female trooper in each troop to work primarily in the areas of youth aid, community relations and vice investigations. 

Two black and white photos show early version of the female trooper uniform. One version has slacks, one has a skirt. Both versions include a purse and pumps.

Take a look at those early uniforms.

A female trooper and male trooper are seen in summer uniforms, including short sleeve tops and a skirt for the female trooper. A State Police patrol vehicle, a blue and gold 1973 Plymouth Fury II, is in the background.

The female uniforms changed after those early years to what you see today.

A photograph of Trooper Smith and Corporal Brent Miller appears. Their uniforms are the same. They are standing in the PSP Museum.

Notice how our uniforms are the same now. Over the years...

A photo of a female corporal in the 1970-1987 summer uniform appears. She is talking on the phone and two male troopers are seen in the background.

the female complement...

A female trooper wearing the "IKE" jacket, introduced in 1989, is seen clearing snow from a patrol vehicle.

has steadily increased.

A female trooper appears, riding a PSP horse, in front of Department headquarters. She wears the dress uniform of the PSP Tactical Mounted Section.  The U.S. and Commonwealth of PA flags are flying in the background. The horse is raising its front right leg, as might be seen in dressage.

Trooper Smith is seen at the PSP Museum, in front of the "One Riot, One Statie" bronze statue.

I am proud to be one of the 335 women currently in the PA State Police...

A black and white photo of three female troopers appears. They are wearing the duty uniform with blouse coat and narrow brim hat.

and thankful for the trailblazers who came before us.

Trooper Smith is shown in front of the museum's motorcycle display.

To learn more about our Department’s history,

An exterior shot of the PSP Museum is seen. The sky is grey and cloudy and the parking lot is wet.

visit the PA State Police Museum in Hershey.

Trooper Smith at the motorcycle display.

To learn more about becoming a future trooper of our department, and women, we need you, visit patrooper.com.

Fade to black.