Policies and Laws
Policies and procedures are constantly being updated for the Commonwealth's Records Management Program. The files below are related policies concerning Records Management.
General Records Retention and Disposition Schedules
- General Schedule (PDF)
- General Records Retention and Disposition Schedule (M210.9) (PDF)
- Personnel (M505.4) (PDF)
Note: RESCINDED-attached document crosswalks old series to new series in M210.9 - Accounting (PDF)
Records Management - General
- 1992-1 Records Management (Executive Order) (PDF)
- Records Management, (MD 210.5) (PDF)
- State Records Management Manual (M210.7) (PDF)
- The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Employee Records Management Manual (M210.1) (PDF)
Access to Commonwealth Information
- Right-to-Know Law, (MD 205.36) (PDF)
- Maintenance, Access and Release of Employee Information, (MD 505.18) (PDF)
Electronic Records
- Electronic Commerce Initiatives and Security, (MD 210.12) (PDF)
- Office of Information Technology/Information Technology Policies (ITP)
- Policy Regarding Agency Long Term Records in Electronic Format (PDF)
- Guidance for Policy Regarding Agency Long Term Records in Electronic Format (PDF)
- Request to Retain Long Term Records in Electronic Form Other Than PDF/A (PDF)
- Central Microfilm Management, (MD 210.4) (PDF)
- Micrographics Procedures to be Used in Conjunction With Central Microfilm Management, (MD 210.8) (PDF)
Publications Management
Vital Records/Disaster Planning
Pennsylvania Laws Pertaining to Records Management
- Administrative Code of 1929 (PDF) - Sections 524, 525 and 527 - Authorized the Executive Board to approve disposition of records and microfilming of records; requires Executive Branch administrative departments, boards and commissions to obtain PHMC approval before disposing of their records and authorized the Executive Board, with approval of the PHMC, to direct the transfer of Executive Branch agency records of "permanent value or historical interest" to the PHMC.
- History Code - Authorized the PHMC to "negotiate for the receipt of public records from any Commonwealth agency or political subdivision," and authorizes all public officers to transfer, and the PHMC to accept, legal custody of inactive historically valuable government records.
- Judiciary and Judicial Procedures - Subchapter B - Authorizes the PHMC to accept legal custody of any historical records created by the Unified State Judicial System (all court system records from the Supreme Court down to the District Justice Magistrate level; gives the PHMC appraisal responsibility for all court system records except for the City/County of Philadelphia; mandates the transfer of historically valuable System records to the PHMC or a depository approved by the PHMC.
- County Records Act - Creates a County Records Committee; imposed powers and duties upon it; authorizes PHMC to assist with it; defines county records; and authorizes the disposition schedules for each county office. Committee also authorizes the transfer of inactive historical county records to the PHMC or a depository designated by the PHMC.
- Municipal Records Act - Creates a Local Government Records Committee; gives PHMC approval authority of any records that have been microfilmed.
- Public School Code - Describes the retention of certain records of the Board of School Directors.
- Public Officers (PDF) - County and Local officials responsibilities concerning records under their jurisdiction.
Pennsylvania Regulations Pertaining to Records Management - Judiciary
- 204 Pa. Code § 209 - Procedure for the Destruction or Transfer and the retention and disposition schedule for Appellate Court Records.
- 201 Pa. Code Rule 507 - Record Retention Schedules - Records retention schedules clarifies those offices that are scheduled by the County Records Committee, permits the establishement of administrative procedures for the retention and disposition of records for those offices scheduled directly by the Supreme Court, and provides for the disposition of the records of non-scheduled offices.
- 204 Pa. Code § 213.51 - Record Retention and Disposition Schedule with Guidelines For Courts of Common Pleas, District Justices, Philadelphia Municipal Court, Philadelphia Traffic Court, and the Pittsburgh Magistrate's Court.