No Degree Requirement
1 Examination
2 Years of Experience and 30 Auctions
No Continuing Education Requirement
$180.00 Initial Fee
$475.00 Renewal Fee
A licensed individual who sells or offers or attempts to sell property at auction. An auction is a method for the sale or lease of property, or any interest in property, by means of a verbal exchange, regular mail, telecommunications, the Internet, an electronic transmission or a physical gesture between an auctioneer, apprentice auctioneer or auction company and one or more potential purchasers or lessees through the solicitation of offers, in the form of bids, in an effort to advance the amount of the bids to obtain the highest or most favorable offer.
Degree Requirement:
No Degree Requirement - The prescribed course of study in auctioneering shall consist of 20 credit hours of instruction, including 2 credit hours of practicum or cooperative practical experience, and the course shall be taken at schools approved by the Board. A credit hour of instruction is defined as 15 standard hours of instruction, each of which is composed of 50 minutes.
Schools currently approved by the Board may be found here.
Examination Requirement:
1 Examination - The Board will have a professional testing organization conduct the auctioneer licensure examination multiple times each year. Applications to take an examination are submitted electronically through the Pennsylvania Licensing System (PALS).
2 Years of Experience & 30 auctions - An applicant must be in the employ of a sponsor for at least 2 years and has participated for compensation in at least 30 auctions. The applicant shall submit information for each of these auctions specifying the type of auction, the name of the consignor, the location and the date of the auction.
Continuing Education:
No continuing education requirement for licensure
Initial Licensing Fee:
* (Effective July 1, 2025 – Initial Fee = $200)
Licensure Renewal Fee:
$475.00 Biennial renewal of license
* (Effective with the March 1, 2027-February 28, 2029 biennial renewal and thereafter, $500)
Licensure by Reciprocity & Licensure by Act 41:
A person who is licensed in good standing as an auctioneer, apprentice auctioneer or auction company in another state may, on application to the board, be granted licensure as an auctioneer, apprentice auctioneer or auction company in this Commonwealth upon the payment by the applicant of the proper application fee and the filing with the board of a properly certified copy of the license issued to the applicant by the applicant's current licensing state.
Act 41 allows for portability of out-of-state professional licensees coming to work in Pennsylvania. Act 41 does this by granting all boards and commissions within the Commonwealth the authority to endorse licensees from other states, territories or jurisdictions (with substantially equivalent licensing requirements) who are active, in good standing and without discipline against their license or criminal conviction.