Department of Banking and Securities (DoBS)

The Department of Banking and Securities regulates financial services in Pennsylvania. 


The PA Department of Banking and Securities regulates financial services and works to ensure consumers and businesses are well-informed about the marketplace.


The PA Department of Banking and Securities is an innovative agency that effectively regulates, informs, and protects to ensure integrity in an ever-changing financial services marketplace.


Police officer giving a presentation to a large group of senior citizens as part of our consumer outreach programs.

Consumer Outreach

Our programs and presentations are FREE and non-commercial. Our Consumer Services Office helpline provides free help to anyone with a question, concern, or complaint about financial services, transactions, or products.

Consumer Outreach
calculator and some paper with important details circled and highlighted

Consumer Resources

The Pennsylvania Department of Banking and Securities (DoBS), Consumers Services Office assists consumers who have issues or concerns with state-chartered and licensed banks and credit unions, investment firms and professionals, consumer lenders, and other financial services firms.

Consumer Resources