DoBS: Who We Are
DoBS: Who We Are
We work to promote the safety and soundness of financial institutions and compliance with statutory requirements that provide protections to Pennsylvania residents. We work with a wide array of financial services institutions and professionals including banks, credit unions, trust companies, investment firms and professionals, mortgage lenders and brokers, and other consumer lenders.
Here are some of the ways the Department of Banking and Securities balances its dedication to financial institution safety and soundness with our concern for Pennsylvania consumers and investors:
- As of June 30, 2024, we...
- Chartered and supervised 150 financial institutions including 38 credit unions, 59 banks, 40 banks with trust powers, and 13 independent trust companies to ensure that Pennsylvanians’ hard-earned deposits are safe and available when they need them.
- Licensed and regulated 28,450 non-depository financial service providers including 18,710 mortgage loan originators; 2,600 installment sellers; 2,423 mortgage lenders; 1,439 sales finance companies; 957 mortgage brokers; 620 check cashers; 463 consumer discount companies; 374 mortgage servicing companies; 285 collector-repossessors; and 154 money transmitters. The remaining 425 license categories include credit services loan broker registrants, debt management services, pawnbrokers, debt settlement services, and mortgage discount companies. We also enforce compliance with state and federal laws for non-bank lenders so that consumer and business borrowers will have confidence in the fairness of their transactions.
- Registered a total of 278,077 filings including 246,888 broker-dealer agents; 25,267 investment adviser representatives; 4,049 investment advisers and notice filers; and 1,873 broker-dealers.
- We provide free help to anyone with a question, concern or complaint about Pennsylvania financial institutions or products. Pennsylvania consumers can call 1-800-PA-BANKS (1-800-722-2657) or out of state at 717-787-2665. You can also file a complaint online.
The Pennsylvania Department of Banking and Securities is accredited by the Conference of State Bank Supervisors, the American Association of Residential Mortgage Regulators and the National Association of State Credit Union Supervisors, and is a member of the North American Securities Administrators Association, the National Association of Consumer Credit Administrators and the Money Transmitter Regulators Association.
Our work is funded entirely by the assessments and fees paid by Pennsylvania’s regulated and licensed financial community. No taxpayer dollars are used to support our work.