Resources for Aging Professionals

State Plan on Aging

The Pennsylvania Department of Aging (PDA) creates a State Plan on Aging every four years in order to provide a vision and direction for Pennsylvania's network of aging services.

Plan Development

The department begins this process by receiving input on what needs to improve and learning more about the people we serve by gathering feedback from the entire spectrum of stakeholders – department staff, consumers of services, caregivers, professionals, and anyone who has an interest in the future of aging services.

The 2020-2024 State Plan on Aging, effective on October 1, 2020, contains five state plan goals -- designed to address all initiatives that the department has or will undertake to improve aging services in Pennsylvania. Those goals are:

  • Strengthen aging network's capacity, promote innovation and best practices, and build efficiencies to respond to the growing and diversifying aging population.
  • Improve services for older adults and the ability to advocate for them by using evidence-informed planning, committing to data integrity and being accountable for results.
  • Establish and enhance efforts to support healthy living, active engagement and a sense of community for all older Pennsylvanians.
  • Emphasize a citizen-first culture that provides outreach, embraces diversity, and honors individual choice.
  • Advocate for the rights of older adults and ensure their safety and dignity by raising awareness of and responding effectively to incidences of abuse, injury, exploitation, violence and neglect. 

These goals are the cornerstone of our work towards providing services and supports that meet the needs of all older adults in Pennsylvania. 

Intrastate Funding Formula (IFF) Update

In compliance with federal requirements, the Pennsylvania Department of Aging has updated its formula for how Pennsylvania distributes federal funds, authorized by the Older Americans Act, among the 52 Area Agencies on Aging (AAAs) that serve the commonwealth.

This new formula took effect July 1, 2021.

View IFF Update FAQs.

State Plan on Aging Approval Letter IFF Amendment (PDF)