Department of Aging Hosts Annual Volunteer Recognition Event to Acknowledge and Thank Network of Volunteers

Harrisburg, PA – The Pennsylvania Department of Aging (PDA) hosted its annual Volunteer Recognition Event, which engaged current and potential volunteers and volunteer coordinators in the aging network. The event recognized those individuals who give their time and talent by volunteering to provide services offered by the department through 52 Area Agencies on Aging (AAAs). It also provided a forum to highlight some of the volunteers' experiences with various programs.  

"Our aging network couldn't deliver the services that it does without the support of our volunteers. These caring individuals play a vital role in multiple programs that help older adults stay healthy, independent and in their communities. A volunteer is often the friendly face and greeting that seniors associate with our programs," said Acting Secretary of Aging Jason Kavulich. "I commend all the Pennsylvanians who devote countless hours to volunteering. I also invite anyone who may be thinking about volunteering to join our robust group of aging network volunteers. It's an opportunity to make a difference not only in the lives of older adults, but also in their own lives."

Kavulich noted that people who volunteer reap many benefits in addition to helping others. Volunteers help to strengthen the fabric of their community while tending to live longer, more vital lives, are more connected and less isolated, have greater functional ability, and have lower rates of depression than those who don't volunteer. 

The event was held during National Volunteer Week to recognize and thank volunteers who lend their time, talent, and voice to make a difference in their communities. The virtual volunteer appreciation kicked off with a video message from Governor Josh Shapiro, who commended the volunteers for the thousands of selfless service hours that they give every year to support older Pennsylvanians.

The event also featured a panel of volunteers who shared their personal experiences with the Office of Long-Term Care Ombudsman, PA MEDI, PA Council on Aging, PA Link to Aging and Disability Resources, Health & Wellness, Senior Companion, and Senior Community Centers.

"I was raised to give back to my community. I volunteer at my church but was looking for another opportunity because I'm a real estate agent and most of my appointments are nights and weekends. Also, working from home can be isolating and I wanted more social interaction," said Janine Paillard, a volunteer from Montgomery County. "I've been serving lunch on Thursday at Encore Experiences at Harleysville for five years. I enjoy getting to meet so many different people. I look forward to seeing the members each week but also the other volunteers and catching up on their lives. I now consider these people my friends."   

To learn more about volunteer opportunities within the aging network or to sign up to volunteer, visit the Department of Aging's website.