Ready Communities

Flooding and Floodplain Management

It's our job to help local governments in Pennsylvania prepare their communities for potential flooding.

Flood water overtakes a neighborhood of homes and trees.


We provide community assistance visits, contacts, mapping, technical and mapping assistance, and training on floodplain management in Pennsylvania. We also implement that National Flood Insurance Program.

Flood Maps

Emergency professionals can assess their area's current flood risk by using flood maps.

FEMA Flood Map

Flood rate insurance maps from the Federal Emergency Management Agency allow you to search by address to determine future flood risk. This map is ideal for planning, permitting, and insurance purposes.

FEMA Flood Map

PA Flood Risk tool

A helpful tool for floodplain managers developed by Penn State. Use it to search an address and make informed decisions about flood risks.

PA Flood Risk Tool

Request a Flood Map Change

Request an official change to a Flood Insurance Rate Map online. This type of change is called a "Letter of Map Change."

Annual Report

All flood-prone municipalities must submit an annual floodplain management report.

Contact Us

Have questions or need help? Send us an email.

National Flood Insurance Program

Local municipalities can join the National Flood Insurance Program so that property owners, renters, and businesses who live there can access affordable flood insurance.

Property owners who live in communities that don't participate in the program are unable to purchase flood insurance through it. Communities that don't participate might not be eligible for hazard mitigation funds, grants, or loans.

Helpful Resources

National Flood Insurance Program resources for emergency management professionals and floodplain managers.