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Pennsylvania Game Commission

Northwest Region

  • Staff in the Northwest Regional Office are available Monday - Friday 7:30AM - 4:00PM

Counties served: Butler, Clarion, Crawford, Erie, Forest, Jefferson, Lawrence, Mercer, Venango, Warren

Director: Jesse Bish

shooting range

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Trails and Designated Routes

SGL 29 - Warren County

6.5 miles - (West Branch Tionesta Creek) Start at the state game lands parking area and gate at the state game lands boundary line south of Chapman State Park. Proceed south approximately 6.5 miles to the state game lands gate and parking area (Hermit Spring) at the intersection with State Route 2002.

SGL 29 - Warren County

0.65 mile - Start at the state game lands boundary line with Chapman State Park's Lowland Trail and proceed southwest on the old railroad grade about 0.65 mile to its intersection with Hermit Spring administrative road (existing horse/bike route).

SGL 29 - Warren County

3.3 miles - Start at the state game lands gate (boundary line) at the termination of Forest Service Road 536 and proceed north about 3.3 miles to the intersection with the Hermit Spring administrative road (existing horse/bike route).

SGL 39 - Venango County

2.2 miles - Mineral Township - From Old Route 8 take King Road west to a Game Commission parking lot. Beginning at the parking lot travel northeast on the Game Commission service road for a distance of 2.2 miles to the main access road to State Game Lands 39 at Pecan Hill. There is a Game Commission parking lot at each end of this roadway.

SGL 39 - Venango County

4.3 miles - Mineral Township - From Route 965, take Adams Road (T-399) to the Game Commission parking lot. Beginning at the parking lot travel south on the Game Commission service road for a distance of 4.3 miles to a Game Commission parking lot along T-330 (Slatertown Road).

SGL 45 - Venango and Clarion counties

4.0 miles - Cranberry Township (Venango County) and Ashland Township (Clarion County) - Beginning at the intersection of the abandoned railroad grade and Route 322 at Van, travel east on the abandoned railroad grade for a distance of 4.0 miles to Kline Road.

SGL 54 Jefferson County

8.5 Miles - Snyder Twp. – From Brockway take Clay Plant Road approximately 2.5 miles to an intersection. Turn right on Game School Road and follow approximately 1.5 miles. Turn right on paved entrance road to original site of the Ross Leffler School of Conservation. Travel approximately 1 mile to the Game Commission parking area and Empire Ridge Road. From this point the route extends for about 3.5 miles in Jefferson County and continues onto the designated route on SGL 44 in Elk County.

SGL 86 Warren County

5.9 miles - Thompson Run. Start at the York Hill state game lands parking area and gate off of TR-642 near the communications tower. Proceed southeast approximately 5.9 miles to the state game lands gate and parking area off of TR-422 near the Village of Althom.

SGL 95 Butler County

4.1 miles: Start at the main parking lot on Branchton road and proceed north through the gate across from the parking lot. Follow the trail signs on the Game Commission service road and bear right at the first "Y" in the road. Follow the signs on the road for approximately 1.8 miles until you reach Kohlmeyer road. Head north on Kohlmeyer road 0.5 miles. Just after you cross the bridge over Slippery Rock creek, look for trail signs on the right. Turn right off of Kohlmeyer at the trail signs and follow the Game Commission service road 1.8 miles and the trail ends at the parking lot on Higgins Corner road.

SGL 96 Venango County

1 mile - Plum Township - Beginning at the Game Commission parking lot near the intersection of Goodwin and McCurdy Road, travel east on the Game Commission service road for a distance of 1.0 mile to the Game Commission parking lot on Line Road.

SGL 130 Mercer County

3.2 miles - Sandy Lake Township - Beginning at the intersection of Triple Link Road and the abandoned railroad grade, travel east on the abandoned railroad grade for a distance of 3.2 miles to a Game Commission parking lot just east of Reed's Furnace Road.

SGL 143 Warren County

4.2 miles - (Marked snowmobile route). Start at the state game lands parking area at Spetz Hill (1.3 miles southwest of TR-388 at the end of TR-457). Proceed approximately 4.2 miles southeast to the state game lands gate at the Blue Eye Run parking area near Garland.

SGL 218 Erie County

Approximately 2 miles - Green Township - From the parking area on Dyer Road, proceed in a northerly direction. After passing a large impoundment on the west side of the route, the route loops to the south and eventually turns to the west to exit on Barton Road near the southern parking area.

SGL 284 Mercer County

2.1 miles - Springfield Township - Beginning at a Game Commission parking lot at the intersection of Route 208 and State Route 2002, travel southeast on the abandoned railroad grade for a distance of 2.1 miles to #2 Mine Road. There is a Game Commission parking lot just west of that intersection.

SGL 143 Warren County

Approximately 5 miles - Starting at the state game lands parking area off Spetz Hill Road proceed approximately 5 miles southeast to the Moore Lane/State Route 27 intersection.

SGL 167 Erie County

3/4 mile - Two miles east of Wattsburg, traversing game lands on designated trail from point on west boundary line, easterly across State Line Road to east boundary line, thus providing access to trails on private lands.

SGL 218 Erie County

1.5 miles - Starting at Game Commission parking lot on Barton Road and traversing the game lands in an easterly direction on designated roads and along field borders to Game Commission parking lots on Turner Road.

Hunters and trappers with disabilities can find additional information on the Permits for Hunters with Disabilities page. Permitted persons can access state game lands using ATVs on these designated routes. 

More than 400 miles of roads are open seasonally on state game lands. Seasonal openings are based on hunting seasons, road conditions and safety. To find the locations of season roads on game lands, please visit our Mapping Center.

Officer Field Reports

  • Lawrence County Game Warden Byron Gibbs reports that, during a nighttime shooting spree, two deer were shot and killed while at least two others were shot at and missed. The defendant in the case pleaded guilty to four counts of taking or attempting to take big game outside of the regular hunting season.
  • Lawrence County Game Warden Byron Gibbs reports that a Lawrence County hunter in WMU 1A was found taking a deer out of the field with a WMU 2B antlerless deer tag attached to its ear. Upon closer examination, it was also found that the county and township were falsely reported on the tag, as well.  The deer was seized, and citations were issued.
  • Lawrence County Game Warden Byron Gibbs reports that after finding two gutpiles within shooting distance of a pile of corn, an investigation was initiated, and the hunters eventually identified. Their deer were seized, and citations were filed against each.
  • Lawrence County Game Warden Byron Gibbs reports a Lawrence County hunter who had harvested an antlered deer during archery season killed another buck, which didn’t meet antler restrictions, one morning in rifle season, then shot two antlerless deer, even though he had only one tag. The two illegal deer were seized, and the hunter received citations for the violations.
  • Lawrence County Game Warden Byron Gibbs reports that a Lawrence County hunter skillfully managed to stalk up on a nice 10-point buck that was bedded in a snow-covered thicket. The hunter had walked several hundred yards through the fresh snow before he climbed up onto a slightly elevated position.  Unfortunately, the buck was on posted private property belonging to a neighbor, who heard the shot and went to investigate. The deer was killed about 50 yards from the landowner’s freshly hung tree stand.  The deer was seized, and charges were filed for trespass as well as for the buck, which was taken illegally due to the trespass violation.
  • Mercer County Game Warden Mario Altieri reports multiple charges were filed against two sperate hunters who shot at a decoy deer from a public road.
  • Mercer County Game Warden Mario Altieri reports filing citations in separate against hunters who had never taken Hunter-Trapper Education and killed a deer without having a valid license.
  • Mercer County Game Warden Mario Altieri reports two separate citations were filed against hunters who possessed a loaded firearm on their vehicle.
  • Mercer County Game Warden Mario Altieri reports citations filed against a hunter who killed two deer and failed to tag the animals properly prior to removal from the kill location.
  • Mercer County Game Warden Mario Altieri reports filing citations against three hunters who failed to wear the required orange material during the rifle season.
  • Mercer County Game Warden Mario Altieri reports citations were filed against a hunter who killed an antlered deer that did not meet the antler restrictions in WMU 1A.
  • Mercer County Game Warden Mario Altieri reports a citation was filed against a hunter who was hunting using bait during rifle deer season.
  • Mercer County Game Warden Mario Altieri reports citations were filed against two separate individuals who harvested deer in a CWD Disease Management Area, then unlawfully removed the whole carcass from that DMA.
  • Mercer County Game Warden Mario Altieri reports two out-of-state hunters were cited for hunting for deer after the regular deer season had closed.
  • Mercer County Game Warden Mario Altieri reports a citation was filed against an individual who was hunting for Canada geese without having first purchasing a Federal Duck Stamp.
  • Mercer County Game Warden Mario Altieri reports a citation was filed against a waterfowl hunter who had an unplugged shotgun.
  • Jefferson County Game Warden Sean Lauer reports encountering someone hunting from his vehicle with loaded rifle. The individual’s license had been revoked due to a road-hunting violation two years ago. Several citations have been filed regarding this violation.
  • Jefferson County Game Warden Sean Lauer reports witnessing a road-hunting violation in which he watched a Brockway man shoot at a deer after using his truck to locate the wildlife. Several citations were filed regarding this incident.
  • Jefferson County Game Warden Sean Lauer reports two deer were killed at an illegal bait site. While checking a known bait site, Warden Lauer observed blood, drag marks and a gutpile. He was able to identify the hunter involved and obtained a confession they were killed in an area baited with minerals and apples. Several citations were filed.
  • Butler County Game Warden Jake Babilon reports three individuals were found guilty of hunting through the use of bait and not wearing daylight fluorescent orange during the rifle deer season.
  • Butler County Game Warden Drew Barger reports multiple individuals were cited this hunting season for failing to properly tag their deer. Remember, you must have only your own license on you and tag the deer before moving it.
  • Warren County Game Warden Jeffrey Gibson reports an Ohio man was charged with shooting a 9-point buck through the use of bait in Cherry Grove Township. The individual knew that baiting was illegal in Pennsylvania
  • Butler County Game Warden Taylor Gunderson reports two people were charged for hunting in a safety zone on the first day of the rifle season.  Gunderson would not have known about the incident without the help from a concerned citizen.
  • Butler County Game Warden Taylor Gunderson reports charges have been filed against an individual who was hunting without a license in West Liberty Township.
  • Jefferson County Game Warden Andrew Troutman encountered a nine-member hunting party in rifle deer season. Violations included not reporting their deer harvests, not tagging deer, and sublegal antlered deer. Numerous citations were issued instead of just a few due to the dishonest nature of the hunters’ answers to the game warden’s questions.

  • Butler County Game Warden Jake Babilon reports that hunters should always call in if they kill a deer that does not meet antler restrictions. The fees for a mistake kill are much lower than the fines for an illegal one.
  • Jefferson County Game Warden Andrew Troutman reports he and Ross Leffler School of Conservation Cadet Travis Brown cited several people in a hunting party for numerous baiting violations.
  • Jefferson County Game Warden Andrew Troutman cited several people in a hunting party for numerous tagging violations. Every member of the party could have been held liable for their part in moving the untagged deer.
  • Erie County Game Warden Michael Stutts reports the opening weekend of the rifle deer season was slower than in previous years due to the winter weather conditions.  Some areas received up to 63 inches of lake effect snow.
  • Erie County Game Warden Michael Stutts reports an Ohio man was cited at State Game Lands 101.  The man shot a legal antlered deer but used a previous year’s license to tag the deer.  He did not have the current license while hunting.  The deer was confiscated.
  • Erie County Game Warden Michael Stutts reports several hunters were cited for not wearing the correct amount of fluorescent orange material while hunting. 
  • Forest and Warren Counties Game Warden Supervisor Sgt. Susan Edmiston reports an individual was cited for a tagging violation and an unlawful take of game or wildlife. The individual was standing along a road waiting for a ride with two untagged antlerless deer. Upon checking the individual’s licenses, it was found he only had one valid 2F antlerless tag and possessed a prior year tag. One of the deer was seized and provided to a needy family.
  • Forest and Warren Counties Game Warden Supervisor Sgt. Susan Edmiston reports encountering a trespassing hunter who never completed the required Hunter-Trapper Education course.  The unlawfully purchased license was seized but will be returned once the individual completes the course.
  • Erie County Game Warden Levi Haenel reports an individual received several citations after shooting an illegal buck with a rifle during the archery deer season near Union City. This was reported by another hunter. The Game Commission values the public’s help in stopping these wildlife crimes. If you encounter violations, please call 1-833-PGC-HUNT.
  • Erie County Game Warden Levi Haenel reports an individual was cited for the unlawful possession of a raccoon. This person found the raccoon as a newborn and removed it from the field. Warden Haenel cautions that raccoons are highly susceptible to the rabies virus and should not be handled.
  • Mercer County Game Warden Mario Altieri reports cited separate hunters for hunting big game while not in possession of their license or big game harvest tags.
  • Mercer County Game Warden Mario Altieri reports citing an individual for allowing their to dog chase, harass, or pursue big game animals, thereby disturbing lawful hunters in the area. Citations were also filed by the Mercer County dog warden.
  • Mercer County Game Warden Mario Altieri reports citing a hunter who improperly tagged a harvested antlerless deer by tagging it with the wrong WMU harvest tag.
  • Warren County Game Warden Matt Savinda reports an individual has been charged for taking possession of a road-killed deer for human consumption without first securing the required permit. This permit can be acquired by simply calling the Game Commission at 1-833-PGC-HUNT and securing a unique permit number over the phone.  However, unlike this individual, please do not compound matters by dumping the carcass, along with other trash, on private property. 
  • Warren County Game Warden Tyler Brundage reports he and Ross Leffler School of Conservation Cadet Drew Poleshuk located two separate properties with three baited tree-stands each during the week before the rifle deer opener.
  • Butler County Game Warden Drew Barger reports three individuals were cited for harvesting deer and failing to tag them. The requirement for tagging big game in Pennsylvania is the animal must be tagged immediately after harvesting and before moving.