Advance Funding Program

PENNVEST is a construction ready program where permits, environmental reviews, and biddable plans and specifications have been completed to make application for financing through the State Revolving Fund.  The Advance Funding Program provides financing to assist in the completion of design, engineering, permits, and environmental reviews to get a project to the point of being construction ready.

Eligible Applicants

Advance Funding Program funds are available for eligible projects to:

  • Municipal start-up systems where no user rate or funding source exists to support initial planning costs.
  • Municipal systems where there is insufficient financial capacity as demonstrated through documented denials for financing from local lenders for interim financing.  
  • Any community identified as disadvantaged using the Council on Environmental Quality Climate and Economic Justice Screening Tool or located in a Pennsylvania defined Environmental Justice Area.



Eligible Projects

The following projects are eligible for Advance Funding:

  • Drinking Water
  • Wastewater
  • Stormwater
  • Non-point Source



Application Procedure

All applications will be received electronically through the PV Portal and processed through the traditional workflow.

We strongly recommend that you speak with a project specialist before starting an application.

Select the button below view the process to apply for funding.