Office of General Counsel Outside Counsel Resources

Verified SDB/SBs for Legal Services

Identify Verified SDB/SBs for Legal Services

  1. Click on the following link:

  2. Click Advanced Search

  3. Scroll down to the UNSPSC Codes box and check the code for legal services: 80120000

  4. All of the Small Diverse Businesses and Small Businesses verified in the area of legal services will be displayed

SDB Program Eligibility and Certification

For additional questions and information on subcontracting, to review SDB program eligibility and for more information on seeking certification, please visit the Department of General Services website and follow the links to “Small Diverse Business Program” or “Small Business Contracting Program” located under the “Businesses” heading. 



Need additional assistance?

Direct customer assistance is available from staff within the Bureau of Diversity, Inclusion, and Small Business Opportunities.



Contact OGC About Outside Counsel

Governor's Office of General Counsel
ATTN: Outside Counsel
30 North Third Street, Suite 200
Harrisburg, PA 17101