Office of General Counsel Outside Counsel Resources

Current Outside Counsel Opportunities

OGC-2024-17 Complex Litigation & Litigation Consultants RFP

This request for proposals (RFP) provides to those Law Firms interested in submitting proposals for the subject procurement (“Offerors”) sufficient information to enable them to prepare and submit proposals for the Governor’s Office of General Counsel’s consideration on behalf of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania (“Commonwealth”) to satisfy a need for complex litigation and litigation consultant services that may arise on an ad hoc basis.  Specifically, Executive Order 2015-2 provides that legal service or legal consultant contracts shall be awarded on a sole source basis only when it is clearly not feasible to utilize competitive bidding because of an urgency of need or other documented circumstances. Executive Order 2015-2 further provides that the Governor’s Office of General Counsel should develop a competitively bid list of pre-approved outside counsel for those situations. 
This request for proposals (RFP) provides to those law firms interested in submitting proposals for the subject procurement (“Offerors”) sufficient information to enable them to prepare and submit proposals for the Governor’s Office of General Counsel’s  consideration on behalf of the Department of Education (“Education”) to satisfy a need for legal services during the term of the contract (“the Matter”).
The Pennsylvania Insurance Department, Office of Corporate and Financial Regulation (“OCFR”) has identified a need for legal services with respect to the evaluation, examination and oversight of the financial condition of insurance companies under the Suspension of Business – Involuntary Dissolutions Law (Article V of The Insurance Department Act – 40 P.S. §§ 221.1-221.63), the Risk-Based Capital Statutes (Articles V-A and V-B of The Insurance Department Act – 40 P.S. §§ 221.1-A – 221.15-A, 40 P.S. §§ 221.1-B – 221.15-B), the Examinations Law (Article IX of The Insurance Department Act – 40 P.S. §§ 323.1-323.8), Insurance Holding Companies Law (Article XIV of The Insurance Company Law – 40 P.S. §§ 991.1401 – 991.1414), Risk Management and Own Risk Solvency Assessment Law (Article XXVI of The Insurance Company Law - 40 P.S. §§ 991.2601 – 991.2610) and Corporate Governance Annual Disclosure Law (40 Pa.C.S. §§ 3901 – 3911). With respect to the Risk-Based Capital Statutes, this engagement may include review of RBC Plans or revised RBC Plans, examination or analysis of the assets, liabilities and operations of troubled insurance companies, formulation of a Corrective Order, handling related litigation and provision of legal advice. With respect to the Examination Law, this engagement may include acting as an examiner, handling related litigation and the provision of legal advice.  The scope of engagement may also include could include seeking an administrative declaration of insolvency and prosecuting a petition for liquidation before the Commonwealth Court (both likely contested) or advising the Commissioner as adjudicator in administrative matters. This engagement may include other general work as designated by the Chief Counsel of the Pennsylvania Insurance Department, the OCFR and the Office of General Counsel.
This request for proposals (RFP) provides to those law firms (“Offerors”) previously qualified, based upon their responses to a previously issued Request for Qualifications (“RFQ”), by the Pennsylvania Governor’s Office of General Counsel (“OGC”) and listed in the Bond Counsel Pool to prepare and submit proposals to enable the Pennsylvania State System of Higher Education (“State System”) to select for contracting within the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania to serve as bond counsel for the State System to handle bond-related issues, specific tax and compliance issues, and to be prequalified to provide quotes for legal services associated with bond issuances.
The Governor’s Office of General Counsel (“OGC”) has identified a need for criminal litigation and other potentially emergent legal services in the area of criminal law that may arise on an ad hoc basis.  The engagement may include other general work as designated by the Governor’s Office of General Counsel.  For purposes of this RFP, the Commonwealth may consider making a limited multiple award.

The Commonwealth identified this procurement as fitting the established criteria under the Small Business Procurement Initiative set forth in Executive Order 2011-09.  Accordingly, only those offerors who are certified as a Small Businesses through the Department of General Services’ self- certification process found at are eligible to submit a proposal and be awarded a contract in response to this RFP. 

In order to be eligible to receive an award in response to this procurement, the offeror must be a DGS self-certified as a Small Business at the time of proposal opening and include a copy of the certification in the proposal response. Self-certification as a Small Business can be completed in as little as 15 minutes.

The eligibility requirements for Small Business self-certification are as follows:
1. The business must be a for-profit, United States business.
2. The business must be independently owned.
3. The business may not be dominant in its field of operation.
4. The business may not employ more than 100 full-time equivalent employees.
5. The business’s three-year average gross revenues may not exceed $38.5 million.

Contact OGC About Outside Counsel

Governor's Office of General Counsel
ATTN: Outside Counsel
30 North Third Street, Suite 200
Harrisburg, PA 17101