Department of Drug and Alcohol Programs

Apply to Become a Licensed Recovery House

Help to support sustained recovery for individuals with substance use disorder by applying with the Department of Drug and Alcohol Programs (DDAP) to join the network of safe drug and alcohol recovery houses across the Commonwealth. 


Recovery houses are safe, healthy, family-like substance-free living environments that support individuals in recovery from the disease of addiction. 

In Pennsylvania, the Department of Drug and Alcohol Programs administers a recovery house licensure program based on licensing regulations that contain a number of provisions designed to protect residents in the areas of health and safety, finances, and resident rights. 

Licensure requirements

Drug and alcohol recovery houses must get a license in order to accept:

  1. Referrals from state agencies or state-funded facilities, or
  2. Federal or state funding to deliver recovery house services

Requirements on referrals to recovery houses:

  1. Individuals whose treatment is funded with state or federal funds shall only be referred to licensed recovery houses.
  2. Courts shall give first consideration to licensed recovery houses when residential recommendations are made for individuals under their supervision.

Application documentation

If you are opening or running a recovery house that requires a license, apply for licensure online. The following documentation is required for upload in the online application.
  • Ownership and Business Management form and all supporting documentation.
  • Signed Certificate of Occupancy Attestation of Compliance only.
  • Signed Proof of Zoning Approval Attestation of Compliance only.
  • Floor plans. See the Recovery House Floor Plan Checklist for additional information.
  • Consent to Residency form, including emergency contact information fields, and acknowledgement of resident rights. 
  • Signed House Manager Information form.
  • Articles of incorporation, or other articles, certificates, statements or documents establishing the legal existence of the facility, including applicable Pennsylvania Department of State filings and approvals to conduct business in Pennsylvania. 
  • By-laws, operating agreement, partnership agreement, or other rules adopted for the regulation or management of the facility for the license.
  • Orientation Handbook, which includes the House Rules and Fee Schedule. 
  • Documentation of the organizational structure, including written job descriptions.  
  • Photo identification for individuals who own 5% or more of the corporation. 
  • Proof of fire-retardant mattresses.
  • Pennsylvania State Police Criminal History Background Check for staff, as appropriate.
  • Written policies and procedures regarding the following: 
    • Personnel Management
    • Training
    • Resident Rights
    • Beginning of Residency 
    • Medication Control and Self-Administration
    • Financial Transactions 
    • Complaint Management
    • Notification to Family Member or Emergency Contact
    • Resident Requirements
    • Safety and Emergency Procedures 
    • Unusual Incidents

You may only upload/attach one file for each item requested above, meaning you may have to combine several supporting documents into one file for upload. 

Download a printable document that includes a listing of the required application documentation above and account registration process detailed below.

    Application account

    Follow the steps below to create your account to submit your Initial Provider Application (IPA) online.

    1. Click the “Create Account” button.
    2. Enter a valid email address and click “Send.”
    3. Check for an email from
    4. Open the email to access your User ID and temporary password for your IPA account.
    5. Click the IPA link in your email and log in using your User ID and temporary password.
    6. Change your password, note your new password and your User ID for future reference.
    7. Complete your online application, remembering to save your data frequently.
    8. Submit your application, with payment of $250, upon completion of all required fields. We do not accept American Express or Discover.

    License renewal inspections

    Licensed drug and alcohol recovery houses in Pennsylvania will receive notification of upcoming on-site inspections electronically. 

    Please access your email settings to add to your list of “Safe Senders” to ensure these important emails are not redirected to a junk/spam folder.

    Application assistance

    To further assist you in the application process, the Bureau of Program Licensure offers a free workshop entitled Recovery House Application Workshop, designed to answer the various questions associated with the application process. If you are interested in this workshop, email


    If you have questions or concerns, email  the Bureau of Program Licensure's Division of Licensing Operations.