An intellectual disability is a permanent condition that affects a person's ability to learn and function in daily life that occurs during the developmental period up to age 22.
Pennsylvania’s intellectual and developmental disability services are based on a flexible and dynamic system of supports that are provided close to a person’s home and community.
Because each person and their needs are different, this service system is tailored to each individual to provide dignity and choice in how they live their lives.
With the support of family and friends, individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities can decide what supports they need, how to manage their budgets, and be responsible for their own decisions and actions.
More Information on Available Services
- Adult Autism Services
- Combined Intellectual Disability and Autism Services
- Community Living Services
- Person/Family Directed Services
To be eligible for intellectual disability services, a person must have a diagnosed intellectual disability based on the results of objective standardized testing.
An intellectual disability diagnosis requires that both a person's general intelligence and ability to function in daily life are significantly below average.
These two conditions may be present at birth or occur during the developmental period, which is before a person is 22 years old.
Application Process
Intellectual and developmental disability services are administered through county Mental Health/Intellectual Disabilities (MH/ID) program offices. The county MH/ID offices serve as a referral source and most services are delivered by local agencies under contract with the county office.
If you are not registered with the county MH/ID office, you must contact the office and make an appointment to register for supports or services.
Take documents to the appointment that will help establish that you are eligible for services through the intellectual disabilities system. Some examples are medical, psychological, and school records. The county will then determine if you are eligible for services.
The county MH/ID office determines a person's eligibility for service funding.
If eligible, you will receive a supports coordinator who will:
- Talk with you about what kinds of supports and services would be helpful.
- Offer you a chance to complete an application for the Medicaid Home and Community Based services program.
- Enroll you in services that require completing applications.
- Help you develop your individual services plan.
- Help you talk with individuals or agencies in the community that could support you.
- Coordinate and monitor supports and services.
You should have a choice of any available Supports Coordinators, and you should be able to meet with them before making your choice. If you do not want to choose your Supports Coordinator, the county can assign one to you.
Apply Now
Contact your county’s Mental Health/Intellectual Disabilities Program office to schedule an appointment to register for supports or services.
Frequently Asked Questions
Make sure to visit DHS' Intellectual Disabilities Services information website for in-depth details about intellectual disabilities services, individual support plans, person centered planning, and more.
If you are not registered with your county's Office of Mental Health and Intellectual Disabilities (MH/ID), you need to contact them and make an appointment to register for supports or services.
Take documents to the appointment that will help establish that you are eligible for services through the intellectual disabilities system. Some examples are medical, psychological, and school records. The county office will then determine if you are eligible for services.
If you are found eligible to receive services and are requesting services now or in the future, you will receive supports coordination. You should have a choice of any available Supports Coordinators, and you should be able to meet with them before making your choice. If you do not wish to choose your Supports Coordinator, the county can assign one to you.
If you find the relationship between you and your Supports Coordinator isn't working, you should be able to choose another Supports Coordinator. To do this, you will need to talk with the supports coordination organization (SCO).
For other problems, you will first need to contact your Supports Coordinator. If that doesn't work, then you contact the SCO.
If your problem is not resolved, contact the County MH/ID Administrator.
- If your problem still is not resolved, contact the Office of Developmental Programs Regional Program Manager at the following phone numbers:
- Northeast Regional Office: 570-963-4749
- Southeast Regional Office: 215-560-2242
- Central Regional Office: 717-772-6507
- Western Regional Office: 412-565-5144
- Northeast Regional Office: 570-963-4749
- If you still need assistance after going through the county and regional offices, contact the Pennsylvania Department of Human Services' main Office of Developmental Programs.
- Telephone number: 717-787-3700
- Toll-free telephone number: 1-888-565-9435
- Toll-free telephone number for Hearing Impaired (only): 1-866-388-1114
- Telephone number: 717-787-3700
It is your right to use fair hearing and due process available through the Department of Human Services Hearings and Appeals. You can get forms to make an appeal from your Supports Coordinator.
- What Should I Know About Fair Hearing and Appeals — Mediation is a way to resolve disputes between you and the County Intellectual Disabilities Services concerning the identification, evaluation, or the provision of appropriate waiver services or supports.
Customer Service staff are available 8:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. (Eastern Time), Monday through Friday.