Apply to Operate a Personal Delivery Device

If you want to operate a Personal Delivery Device (PPD) to transport cargo and goods, you need to apply to get authorization. 


A Personal Delivery Device (PPD) is a special machine that carries things on the ground. In Pennsylvania, they're treated like people walking, but they have to be careful around others and follow the same rules as walkers. They can use sidewalks, crosswalks, slow roads, or stay on the side of the road if it's safe.

PPDS operate in two phases: 

Phase 1 (0-180 days): requires an operator within 30 feet

Phase 2 (180+days): allows remote monitoring and control. 

PPDs vary in size, shape, and how they're used. Here are a few limitations on them: 

  • Width - 32 inches or less
  • Length - 42 inches or less
  • Height - 72 inches or less
  • Weight (without cargo) - 550 pounds or less
  • Speed (pedestrian areas) - 12 mph or less
  • Speed (shoulder/roadway) - 25 mph or less

How to get authorized

PennDOT can issue, approve, renew, revoke, suspend, or deny PPD authorizations. Your PDD application must be approved before getting started. After you are approved, your application is good for one year.

Apply for PDD authorization here.

Authorized Entities

Authorized Entity
​Operating Phase
Location ​Authorization Date
​Phase 1
​State College
January 8, 2025

* Last Updated 1/8/2025