Apply for National Electric Vehicle Infrastructure (NEVI) Funds

The NEVI Program provides money to states (via the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law) to help them install electric vehicle charging stations and build out their charging infrastructure. 


The NEVI program provides money to states like Pennsylvania to install electric vehicle chargers. Pennsylvania will receive $171.5 million in NEVI funds over five years. Pennsylvania must first use these funds to build a network of charging stations along major corridors, such as interstate highways. Pennsylvania's first three funding rounds, summarized below, focused on these required corridors.

Round 1
The NEVI Round 1 funding opportunity was released on January 6, 2023 and closed the program on May 5, 2023.

Round 1A
The NEVI Round 1A opportunity opened on December 11, 2023 and closed on January 26, 2024. 

Round 1B
Round 1B of the NEVI funding opportunity opened May 13, 2024 and closed on July 10, 2024.




Eligible Groups
Any group that's signed up can get NEVI money unless there are rules saying they can't. Examples of these rules include not being registered with Pennsylvania's Secretary of State or owing money to the government.

Eligible Projects
Round 1B funds are for charging stations that anyone can use all the time. They first go to special corridors to build the national network. Refer to the online map, Pennsylvania Round 1B NEVI Funding Opportunity - Eligibility Information for eligible project locations. 

Eligible and Ineligible Costs
Contractors can get up to 80 percent of their costs covered by the government, and they need to pay for the other 20 percent from other places. The costs have to follow rules from FHWA and PennDOT NEVI Program. What costs are allowed depends on the rules from the government. Refer to the Round 1B Funding Opportunity guidebook (PDF) for more information. 


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