Pennsylvania has 65 operating railroads, the most in the country. It also has over 5,600 miles of tracks.
PennDOT gives money and technical help to railroads and businesses to help the economy through its grant programs and other resources.
PennDOT's Bureau of Rail, Freight, Ports, and Waterways is in charge of funding for the Rail Freight Assistance Program (RFAP) and the Rail Transportation Assistance Program (RTAP).
You can apply through eGrants.
Additional resources
- Rail Freight Assistance Program (RFAP)
- Rail Transit Assistance Program (RTAP)
- New User Registration Guide (PDF) helps new users through the registration process.
Previous awards
- 2017 Awarded Projects (PDF)
- 2018 Awarded Projects (PDF)
- 2019 Awarded Projects (PDF)
- 2020 Awarded Projects (PDF)
- 2021 Awarded Projects (PDF)
- 2022 Awarded Projects (PDF)
- 2023 Awarded Projects (PDF)
- 2024 Awarded Projects (PDF)
Rail Freight Assistance Program
The Rail Freight Assistance Program (RFAP) gives money to invest in rail freight infrastructure. The goal is to:
- Keep important rail freight service if it makes economic sense, and
- Keep or boost economic development by creating new or expanded rail freight service.
The most the state will fund for an RFAP project is 70% of the total project costs, up to $700,000.
Rail Transportation Assistance Program
The Rail Transportation Assistance Program (RTAP), also known as Capital Budget, is available to applicants with a line item(s) in a Capital Budget Act.
Applicants should talk to their state representative or state senator to get a line item for their project. The most the state will fund for an RTAP project is 70% of the total project costs, up to the amount of the line item.
How rail freight grant application process works
Submitting your application
You have to submit your application through eGrants.
Review and selection
The Bureau of Rail, Freight, Ports, and Waterways evaluates grant applications and chooses projects using an objective process. The goal is to select projects that fulfill the intent of the programs and benefit the public.
Application period and announcements
PennDOT accepted applications for the 2024 program through September 1, 2024. Grant winners are usually announced in December.
Presenting your project
After the application period ends, each applicant can present their project to the Bureau of Rail, Freight, Ports, and Waterways in Harrisburg, PA. These presentations help the bureau choose which grant applications to bring to the State Transportation Commission (STC) for approval.
Approval and Notification
Following approval by the STC, all applicants are informed about their funding status.