About the Permit
Under 58 Pa. Code § 109.4(c)(2) the Executive Director or a Designee may issue a permit to allow operation of a boat towing a water skier without an observer, in addition to the operator, on board the boat. These operations are permitted only under special conditions, as delineated on the back of this application.
Application Process
Submit this application (one copy - printed in ink or typed) to the the Region Office administering the county where body of water is located (information attached in application). You will be notified of action on your permit application within 45 days after you apply.
Conditions of Permit
1. Both the operator of the boat and the water skier meet safety training requirements as evidenced by documented completion of a safe boating course and active membership in a State or National water skiing organization which provides members with information on water skiing safety.
2. The operator fulfills the definition of a "competent observer" as set forth in this section, wears an approved PFD and is a person 18 years of age or older.
3. The Boat is equipped with the following:
- A rearview mirror which is at least 5 inches by 10 inches configured so that the operator may at all times observe the progress of the person being towed.
- A ski platform
- A boom, towing eye or pylon mounted permanently inside the hull of the boat to which the towing rope is secured.
4. Only one person is being towed.
5. The water skis or other device on which the person is riding are attached only to the person and not to the boat.
6. Conditions, including weather, other boating activities and congestion in the vicinity of the proposed operation, do not impede safe and prudent boat or water skiing operations.
7. The water skiing takes place before the hour of 10 a.m. on a day other than a weekend or holiday. The Executive Director, for good cause shown, may permit water skiing under this section on a Saturday or Sunday before the hour of 10 a.m. if the Executive Director finds that other boating activities on the waters at the same time will not interfere with the water skiing.
8. The water skiing takes place on waters described and approved for the operations in the permit.
9. The water skiing takes place when the Executive Director or a designee indicates on the permit. (x) The boat towing the water skier displays a special water ski flag of a size and design approved by the Commission.
(xi) The permittee carries the permit onboard while operating the boat towing a water skier without an observer.