Department of General Services

Request a Capitol Police Representative to Attend Your Event with an Information Table

If you are holding an event, you can submit a request for the Pennsylvania Capitol Police outreach team can attend your event with a display table that provides an overview of the services the department provides.


The Pennsylvania Capitol Police outreach team can attend your event with a display table that provides an overview of the services the department provides.

The display booth features some of the uniforms and equipment used by the Capitol Police as well as information on the services and trainings provided and specialized units with the PA Capitol Police including information on how we can enhance our engagement and interaction with the community.

Information on how to join the PA Capitol Police is available for those interested in a rewarding career in law enforcement, as well.


How to request a Capitol Police representative attend your event

Please use the PA Capitol Police Training and Community Outreach Portal to attend your event and have an information table.

You will need to provide your contact information and the organization requsting the demonstration. You will be asked about the approximate number of attendees, the preferred date of the drone presentation, and the location where you want the demo held. 

Once you submit the form, the Capitol Police will get in touch within 48-hours to discuss you request.