The owner or operator of a regulated storage tank must report releases from a regulated storage tank system to DEP:
- Within 24 hours after confirming the release, by telephone call to the appropriate DEP regional office.
- Within 15 days after confirming the release, by submitting the Notification of Release/Notification of Contamination (2630-FM-BECB0082) to the appropriate DEP regional office.
More Information is available on this corrective action process release reporting fact sheet and the Storage Tank Cleanup Program webpage.
The form for reporting releases is linked below:
Notification of Release - Notification of Contamination (2630-FM-BECB0082)
Contact Us
For questions or assistance on reportable releases and suspected or confirmed contamination, contact:
DEP's Division of Storage Tanks, Bureau of Environmental Cleanup and Brownfields
P.O. Box 8762
Harrisburg, PA 17105-8762
Or you can contact the appropriate DEP regional office.