Department of Environmental Protection

Pay National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Fees

Pay your annual National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) fees to maintain your permit compliance. Whether you have an individual or general permit, this page guides you through fee schedules, payment options, and provides resources to check your fee status and make payments online or by mail.


Pennsylvania law requires fees for National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permits. These fees help cover the costs of the state's Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) in managing water quality. DEP uses this money for tasks like issuing permits, checking if rules are followed, and testing water.

There are two types of fees: one when you apply and another you pay each year. DEP checks every three years to make sure these fees are set at the right amount.

If you receive an invoice from DEP for Chapter 92a fees or NOI installment fees, the fees must be paid in full by the due date. It is important to note that failure to receive an invoice does not excuse a permittee from paying the fee.

Additional resources:

How to pay your fees

You can find annual fee information specific to your permit(s) using the fees report at The report is searchable by permit number or county and provides information about all annual fees past and present and whether they’ve been paid.

How to pay online

To pay online with a credit card, please visit the NPDES Annual Fee Electronic Payments site. A receipt will be emailed to the address provided when paying online.

Where to mail check and money orders

Checks and money orders should be made out to “Commonwealth of Pennsylvania” and include the invoice remittance stub. Please include the permit number and invoice number on the check as well. The mailing address for Chapter 92a fees and NOI installment fees is:

PA Department of Environmental Protection Bureau of Clean Water
Re: Chapter 92a Fee
P.O. Box 8466
Harrisburg, PA 17105-8466

Individual permit fees

The NPDES individual permit application fee covers the cost of reviewing the application, issuing the permit, and the first year of permit coverage.

After the application fee, Chapter 92a fees are due on each anniversary of the permit's effective date. They will be invoiced three months before the due date.

If a permit is amended, transferred, or renewed the anniversary due date for the fee does not change.

Amendment and transfer applications still need a separate fee. However, timely renewal applications don't require a fee, but the application is still necessary.

If the application is late, a new application fee may be required in addition to the annual fees.

Individual NPDES permits for stormwater discharges associated with construction activities under 25 Pa. Code Chapter 102 are the exception and renewal application fees are still required.

Chapter 102 permit renewal applications still require a renewal application fee.

Chapter 102 permits will not be assessed an annual fee in the fifth year of the permit since a renewal application fee is expected for those permits.

All other NPDES permits will be invoiced every year without skipping the fifth year.

If a new individual NPDES permit was issued with an effective date of June 1, 2023, and an expiration date of May 31, 2028, the first invoice would be sent March 1, 2024, with a June 1, 2024, due date. The second invoice would be sent March 1, 2025, with a June 1, 2025, due date, and so on.

Six months prior to expiration (i.e., December 31, 2027), the renewal application would be due, but there would be no renewal application fee (except for individual permits under Chapter 102).

Regardless of the effective date of the renewed permit, the fee would continue to be due June 1 of each year. If the application is received late, a new application fee may be required in addition to the annual fees.

Note: If the same example permit was a Chapter 102 permit, a fee would be due with the renewal application, but no additional fee would be due in 2028, the year the permit would expire.

If an individual NPDES permit was issued with an effective date of February 1, 2024, and the permit is amended or transferred on June 10, 2024, the Chapter 92a fee invoice and due dates would not change; the next fee invoice would be mailed on November 1, 2024, and due on February 1, 2025.

In the case of a transfer, the fee invoice would be sent to the new permittee, provided the transfer application was received prior to the invoice mailing date, in this case, November 1, 2024.

General permit

General NPDES permits may be subject to Notice of Intent (NOI) installment payments. The initial general permit NOI fee for new permit coverage is submitted with the initial NOI. After that, most general NPDES permits are subject to NOI installment fees with due dates based on the type of general permit instead of the effective date, as detailed below. NOI installment fees are invoiced three months before the due date.

The first NOI installment fee will be due on the next due date for the permit type after 12 months of permit coverage. For example, a PAG-03 permit issued June 1, 2023, would not have an NOI installment fee due on March 23, 2024, because it has not had 12 months of permit coverage at that time.

The first NOI installment fee would be due on March 23, 2025, after at least 12 months of permit coverage. The NOI installment fee would then continue to be due every March 23rd for the term of the permit.

  • PAG-03: March 23
  • PAG-05: December 28
  • PAG-06: March 31
  • PAG-10: March 1
  • PAG-12: December 31
  • PAG-13: September 30
  • PAG-15: October 28

Information about terminating your permit

The annual fee must be paid unless the permit is terminated by DEP prior to the fee payment due date. Termination requests must be made in writing to the DEP regional office or conservation district that issued the permit.

A permit is not terminated until DEP verifies the termination in writing. This applies to facilities that were never built, were decommissioned, or have ceased discharging.

If requesting not to pay the invoice, please email a copy of the termination request that was submitted to the regional office along with the invoice to

A physical copy of the termination request and the invoice may also be mailed to the address listed on the invoice.

If DEP terminates your permit, you must apply for a new permit if you wish to resume a discharge to surface waters of the Commonwealth in the future.

All NPDES permittees except for those with Chapter 102 permits should use the NPDES Notice of Termination (NOT) for Permits Issued Under Chapter 92a form 3800-PM-BCW0410.

Permittees with Chapter 102 permits should use the Chapter 102 NOT form 3800-PM-BCW0229. These forms can be located by clicking the links or searching within DEP’s eLibrary.

Contact us

For more information or to receive a W-9 form for DEP, please contact DEP at or 717.787.6744.