Department of Conservation and Natural Resources

Apply for Rivers Conservation Grants

Rivers Conservation Grants through the Community Conservation Partnerships Program focus on protecting and enhancing the conservation or recreation value of Pennsylvania’s waterways.

Rivers Conservation Grants

Rivers program funding supports water-based outdoor recreation and water resource conservation activities at all stages of project development.

Grants for rivers projects are available through the Department of Conservation and Natural Resources (DCNR) Community Conservation Partnerships Program.

Rather than applying for funding through a “Rivers” grant category, applications are submitted under the appropriate primary grant category as listed below:

  • Land acquisition
  • Planning
  • Rehabilitation or development
  • Partnerships
  • Community and Watershed Forestry

Land Acquisition and Conservation Funding

Land acquisition and conservation funding projects include fee-simple purchases or easements of land for the primary purpose of waterway conservation.

The area of land should include waterway segments or environmentally significant watershed features.

Examples of river-related acquisitions include:

  • Land protection of headwaters

  • Conservation of land that includes a class A coldwater fishery

While these grants are requested through the Land Acquisition and Conservation grant application, applicants have an opportunity to indicate that the project is a rivers project.

Community Recreation and Conservation Planning Funding

River-related planning grants fund regional or site-based planning documents that address a water-based recreation or conservation need.

While many diverse and unique plans are funded, the most common rivers plans are rivers conservation plans and master site development plans.

These grants are requested through the Community Recreation and Conservation Planning grant application.

Master Site Development Plans

Master site development plans are site-specific and lead to a size, type, and location plan for the full development or redevelopment of a site for water-based recreation or aquatic conservation.

Rivers Conservation Plans

Rivers Conservation Plans are comprehensive watershed or water corridor-based studies that lead to the development of a long-term management program for the study area.

For a listing of Rivers Conservation Plans in Pennsylvania, explore the Rivers Registry (PDF).

Park Rehabilitation and Development Funding

These projects undertake physical improvements to waterways that restore and enhance the cultural, ecological, and recreational aspects of the resource.

Examples of water-related development projects include:

  • River access
  • Floodplain restoration
  • Water trail enhancements

These grants are requested through the Park Rehabilitation and Development or Non-Motorized Trail grant application, as appropriate.

State and Regional Partnerships Funding

These projects are collaborative statewide or regional projects that:

  • Convene, educate, or train partners
  • Build capacity
  • Undertake special purpose studies or implementation projects
  • Offer mini-grants to grassroots organizations

Examples of water-related partnerships projects include:

  • Management of a water trail
  • Conservation training
  • Providing mini-grant funding to watershed groups for local plan implementation

These grants are requested through the State and Regional Partnerships grant application.

Contact us

For more information, please contact your DCNR Bureau of Recreation and Conservation regional advisor (PDF).