Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission

Apply for the York and Lancaster Counties Habitat Improvement Grant

The York and Lancaster Counties Habitat Improvement Grant funds projects such as dam removals, stream habitat improvement projects, and agricultural pasture and barnyard best management practices in York and Lancaster County.

Purpose of Restoration Fund

The York and Lancaster Counties Habitat Improvement Grant Program receives funding from two sources, the Peach Bottom Atomic Power Station and the Muddy Run Pumped Storage Project. In accordance with their respective Water Quality Certifications, PFBC receives a combined total of $150,000 annually to fund projects such as dam removals, stream habitat improvement projects, and agricultural pasture and barnyard best management practices.

Projects Eligible for Funding

To be eligible, projects must be located in York or Lancaster County and be a habitat improvement and/or a sediment reduction project. This shall include stream improvement projects, agricultural best management practices, and small dam removal projects.