Explore CWIA Labor Market Information

CWIA is a bureau of statisticians, data analysts, and economists who develop and analyze labor market information for Pennsylvania, and provide information to help job seekers and employers make informed economic, career and business decisions.

CWIA Data and Reports

Researchers and members of the media also benefit from the datasets and reports produced by CWIA.

Current Employment Statistics (CES)

CES Dataset

Local Area Unemployment Statistics (LAUS)

LAUS Dataset

Occ. Employment & Wage Statistics (OEWS)

OEWS Dataset

Quarterly Census of Employment and Wages (QCEW)

QCEW Dataset

Survey of Occupational Injuries & Illnesses (SOII)

SOII Dataset

Unemployment Compensation

UC Products

CWIA Dashboards

Each dashboard includes a report or interactive map/infographic that highlights specific labor force data and provides insight about current employment and economic trends in Pennsylvania.

Contact CWIA

CWIA's customer response team is available to answer your data questions on weekdays from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.

Call Us

717-787-6466 or toll-free: 877-493-3282.

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