Pesticide Advisory Board

The Pennsylvania Pesticide Advisory Board helps the Secretary of Agriculture with issues about using pesticides.


The Pennsylvania Pesticide Advisory Board discusses pest control problems, health and environmental concerns, and review laws and programs. The board meets at least 4 times a year.

Here’s who is on the board:

  • Pesticide applicators who use ground equipment
  • Pesticide applicators who use aerial equipment
  • Pesticide applicators who handle structural pest control
  • Entomologist (insect expert) in public service
  • Environmental health specialist from the Department of Health
  • Toxicologist (expert on poisons) in public service
  • Plant pathologist (plant disease expert) in public service
  • Agricultural chemical industry
  • Food processing industry
  • Producers of crops or products affected by pesticides
  • Environmental interests
  • PA Department of Agriculture
  • PA Fish and Boat Commission
  • PA Game Commission
  • PA Department of Conservation and Natural Resources
  • PA Department of Transportation


2024 Scheduled Meetings

Please visit the PA Department of Agriculture Meeting Notices page for meeting details closer to the meeting date.

  • September 25, 2024
  • December 11, 2024