Bureau of Administrative Services, Walt Remmert
Bureau of Animal Health and Diagnostic Services, Dr. Alex Hamberg
Bureau of Farmland Preservation, Stephanie Zimmerman
Bureau of Food Assistance, Caryn Long Earl
Bureau of Food Safety and Laboratory Services, Jeff Warner
Bureau of Market Development, Ashley Fehr
Bureau of Plant Industry, Frank Schneider
Bureau of Ride & Measurement Standards, Walt Remmert
Hardwood Development Council, Jon Geyer
Bureau of Harness Racing, Tony Salerno
Bureau of Horse Racing, Thomas Chuckas
Bureau of Dog Law Enforcement, Kristen Donmoyer
State Conservation Commission, Doug Wolfgang
USDA’s National Agricultural Statistics Service, Kevin Pautler
Pennsylvania Farm Show Complex & Expo Center, Sharon S. Myers
PA Equine Toxicology & Research Laboratory, Mary A. Robinson VMD, PhD