All Pennsylvanians have an important role to play in the fight against invasive species, by submitting reports of known or suspected invasive land plants and insects and fish and aquatic invertebrates and plants, such as algae. Early detection help enables regulatory agencies better control known invasive species and respond rapidly to new ones.  

Spotted Lanternfly reports can be made here.

If you see an aquatic invasive species, a Class A noxious weed, or an unusual invasive insect, such as the Asian longhorn beetle, take a photo, note the specifics of your location,  and call in a voicemail report to 1-833-INVASIV

Information given on plants and insects that have active control programs at the Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture and Fish and Boat Commission is entered into a database and followed up on. Someone from these agencies will call you back to verify the identity of the species and location details and tell you how to submit the photo, which is important to verify the identity of the species. 

Other available reporting options include:

To report invasive insects: email the Department of Agriculture at

To report invasive plants: email the Department of Agriculture at

To report aquatic invasive species: use the Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission reporting form or Pennsylvania Sea Grant iPhone app.

To report all types of invasive species: use the PA iMapInvasives database. Reports received of important regulated invasive species will be forward to the appropriate state agency.