Report Cast Iron Boiler Installation

Business owners and contractors who want to install a cast iron boiler must submit a fully complete copy of the installation application form for each unit involved.

Once approved, a hydrostatic test will be ordered. When this occurs, you must submit a complete copy of the Cast Iron Boiler Installation Report.

Installation Report Requirements

If the cast iron boilers are constructed to American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) code and meet code clearance requirements, complete the following steps:

Code clearance requirements are a minimum of 30” in front, at rear and on both sides, and 72” overhead.

  • Fill out the "Intent to Install Boiler" form
  • Submit payment via check or money order made payable to "Commonwealth of Pennsylvania."

If approved, L&I's Boiler Division will send your inspector's contact information and information for ordering a hydrostatic test.

When the hydrostatic test occurs, you must submit a copy of the Cast Iron Boiler Installation Report.

If the cast iron does not meet code clearance requirements, a business owner must:

  • Submit three sets of installation plans, including a floor plan with all objects in the boiler room and an elevated view showing the breaching and smoke pipe.
  • Submit a variance request to L&I's Industrial Board
  • Make payments out to "Commonwealth of Pennsylvania."

Contact us

Questions, concerns, and complete petition submission packages should be mailed to L&I's Boiler Division.

By phone

If you have questions you can call the Boiler Division.

Call the Boiler Division


You can fax questions or accident notification to the Boiler Division. 

Send a fax to the Boiler Division.


You can email questions to the Boiler Division.


Mail your completed accident report: PA Department of Labor & Industry Boiler Division 651 Boas Street, Room 1606 Harrisburg, PA 17121

Download the report