Groundbreaking occurred on March 20, 1994, as part of an administrative initiative to increase cell space and to ease overcrowding in state prisons. Construction was completed December 1995 and the official dedication of SCI Houtzdale was held January 5, 1996. Construction of two additional housing units began August 8, 1997, and was completed in October 1998. Construction of a 150-bed modular housing unit began in August 2010. This housing unit consists of two dormitory style housing units with a dayroom in the center. The unit was opened in August 2011.
Facility Information
Number of acres inside the perimeter: 65
Number of acres outside the perimeter: 212
Total number of buildings: 35
Number of Housing Units: 11
Average Number of Employees: 611
Inmate Information
Inmate Population: Current Inmate Population
PA Correctional Industries: In October 2006, SCI Houtzdale opened a PCI Commissary Distribution Operation to process and distribute inmate commissary orders for eight State Correctional Institutions. The operation has the ability to employ a total of 90 inmates full-time.
Community Work Program: The SCI Houtzdale CWP crew completes community service projects for non-profit organizations including litter clean-up, small maintenance and painting.
Reentry Service Office: In order to ease a reentrant’s transition after release and improve community reintegration, the Reentry Service Offices (RSOs) are designed to provide information and services to inmates who are within 18 months to their minimum and/or release date. Reentry Parole Agents (RPAs) oversee the RSOs and work with other DOC staff members to facilitate various workshops including Life Skills, Budgeting, Digital Literacy — among many others. The RSO utilizes its computer lab to assist reentrants with resume writing, job searches, as well as providing community connections for services they may need upon release.
Academic Education
- Adult Basic Education
Vocational Programs
- Building Trades
- Barber
- Business Education
- Computer Aided Drafting
- Custodial Maintenance
- Electricity
- Electronics
- Warehouse Operations
Inmate Programs
- Money Smart
- Pathways to Success
- PEP Pell Grant
- Courage to Change Therapeutic Community
- Recovery Road Co-Occurring Therapeutic Community
- State Drug Treatment Program Therapeutic Community Level 1
- Technical Parole Violator SUD Program
- Recovery Unit
- Seeking Safety
- Parole Violator Group
- Special Needs Unit Addictions Issues
- Self Help Groups
- Special Needs Unit
- Residential Treatment Unit
- Relying Upon Furry Friends Program
- Veterans Services Unit
- Batterer’s Intervention
- Long Term Offender
- Outpatient SUD
- Sex Offender
- Thinking For A Change
- Violence Prevention
Facility Address
209 Institution Drive
Houtzdale, PA 16698-1000
(814) 378-1000
Inmate Mail Address
Smart Communications/PADOC
Inmate Name/Inmate Number
PO Box 33028
St Petersburg, FL 33733
Facility Mailing Address
P.O. Box 1000
209 Institution Drive
Houtzdale, PA 16698-1000
Superintendent: David Close
Deputy Superintendent for Centralized Services: Christian Garman
Deputy Superintendent for Facilities Management: Howard Sissem
Business Manager: Melissa Straw
Superintendent Assistants: Rebecca Reifer