Apply for In-Service Police Officer Training

Certified municipal police officers can take MPOETC or Continuing Law Enforcement Education (CLEE) courses to satisfy their annual training requirements.


MPOETC-developed courses are available either in the classroom at Certified Police Academies or online through the PA Virtual Training Network (PAVTN).

CLEE courses are other law enforcement-related courses submitted by academies or training vendors and approved by MPOETC to count toward required hours. 

For information about in-service courses, email
For assistance with PAVTN,  email Mr. Ken Zipovsky.

MPOETC-Developed Training 

Current Training 

2024 MPOETC In-Service Training Courses

Historical Training

1991-2023 In-Service Training Topics and Course Descriptions

Continuing Law Enforcement Education (CLEE)

Approved courses can be taken in place of elective MPOETC courses and will count toward required hours ONLY in the year they are taken. CLEE courses may not be taken to make up missed hours for previous years. In cases where officers are missing training hours from previous years, they must complete the MPOETC-developed courses on the PAVTN. To learn more about CLEE courses, including the current list of approved courses and the process for requesting CLEE approval for courses not currently on the approved list, visit Continuing Law Enforcement Education (CLEE).