April 18, 2018
Governor Wolf Announces $60 Million Investment in Water Infrastructure Projects in 12 Counties
Harrisburg, PA – Governor Tom Wolf today announced the investment of $60 million for 12 drinking water, wastewater, and non-point source projects across 12 counties through the Pennsylvania Infrastructure Investment Authority (PENNVEST).
“The approval of this funding through PENNVEST will continue Pennsylvania’s commitment to clean water through a variety of water quality improvement projects across the commonwealth,” said Governor Wolf. “These projects benefit the environment, economic development and public health, as well as advance our shared goal of a clean and safe environment for our families to enjoy, both now and for years to come.”
The funding comes from a combination of state funds approved by voters, Growing Greener, Marcellus Legacy funds, federal grants to PENNVEST from the Environmental Protection Agency and recycled loan repayments from previous PENNVEST funding awards. Funds for the projects are disbursed after expenses for work have been paid and receipts are submitted to PENNVEST.
A list of project summaries follows:
Drinking Water Projects
Clearfield County
· BCI Municipal Authority received a $1,610,200 loan to develop two well sources, 4,000 feet of water transmission line, a pump station and telemetry upgrades, chemical feed system, leak detection equipment and 250 water meters.*
Greene County
· Southwestern Pennsylvania Water Authority received a $10,582,887 loan, and a $5,139,113 grant to install a new storage tank, replace 113,000 feet of waterline connecting the Dunkard Valley Joint Municipal Authority's system, and replace the aged existing distribution system.*
Wastewater Projects
Armstrong County
· Freeport Borough received a $920,000 loan to construct a combined sewer modification project; 1,650 feet of gravity sewer, 14 manholes, one combined sewer overflow regulator, in accordance with their long-term control plan.
Blair County
· Altoona Water Authority received an $11,695,000 loan for rehabilitation or replacement of five miles of sewer lines and outfalls. **
Clarion County
· Clarview Rest Home, Inc. received a $1,031,239 loan to construct 7,000 feet of pressure sewers, decommission existing treatment plant, and install a lift station. Sewage will be conveyed to the Sligo Borough facility for treatment.
Indiana County
· Burrell Township Sewer Authority received a loan of $7,329,754, and a $3,670,245 grant to install upgrades to the existing wastewater treatment facility. **
Perry County
· Howe Township Municipal Authority received a $4,528,590 loan, and a $2,981,510 grant to construct 6,724 feet of gravity sewer, 7,253 feet of low pressure sewer, 8,532 feet of force main and 3 pump stations. Sewage will be conveyed to Newport Borough Municipal Authority. This project supports over $12 million in private investment that is expected to create 250 new jobs.**
Somerset County
· Paint Borough received a $1,941,511 loan, and a $1,019,489 grant to rehabilitate and repair 11,600 feet of gravity sewer, 66 manholes, and 150 lateral viewports.
Non-point Source Water Quality Improvement Projects
Chester County
· Chester County Conservation District received a $327,400 grant to cover costs related to manure storage, concrete heavy use areas, riparian buffers, stream bank fencing, cattle walkways and storm water controls on a county farm.
Delaware County
· Chester City Stormwater Authority received a $5,960,276 loan to implement the second phase of the catch basin retrofit program. There will be 250 existing catch basins retrofitted or replaced.**
Lycoming County
· Armstrong Township received a $600,000 grant to provide a conservation easement to support preservation and enhance 49 acres of wetlands and 176 surrounding upland floodplain habitats, including 3,790 feet of riparian frontage on the West Branch of the Susquehanna River.
Northumberland County
Coal Township received a $1,094,250 grant to implement a streambank stabilization project. Work includes regrading, lined with rip-rap rock, and in some sections precast reinforced concrete walls.
* denotes projects that have Drinking Water State Revolving Funds
** denotes projects that are funded with Clean Water State Revolving Funds
For more information, visit or call 717-783-6798.
MEDIA CONTACT: Brion Johnson, 717-783-6798