Food & Nutrition

Project PA

Project PA is a collaboration between Penn State University and the Pennsylvania Department of Education.

Project PA Logo

The team's first effort, begun in 1995, was an educational campaign targeting Pennsylvania School Food Service personnel. Project PA provided training and assistance to help them select and successfully implement appropriate menu planning systems for their schools, in compliance with the School Meals Initiative.

From the beginning, providing sound nutrition education and promoting children's healthy eating behaviors have been at the heart of all of the work done by Project PA. To assure that our state's schools are successful in completing the transformation to healthy nutrition environments, the Project PA partnership has been extended to families, community resources, and all levels of school personnel.

Project PA applies innovative, relevant, and compelling distance education and face-to-face educational strategies to accomplish its goals. Funding is through PDE and includes several USDA (United States Department of Agriculture) Team Nutrition grants.

To learn more about Project PA, go to the Project PA website.

Contact Project PA

Pennsylvania Department of Education
Bureau of Food and Nutrition
607 South Drive, 4th Floor
Harrisburg, PA 17120
717-787-7698 or 800-331-0129