Food & Nutrition

After School Snack Program

The Afterschool Snack Program (ASP) became an official part of the National School Lunch Program (NSLP) on October 1, 1998.

The ASP provides snacks to children participating in eligible programs after their regular school day is completed.

The ASP is a federal reimbursement program established by the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA). The program provides reimbursement to sponsors for snacks served to children enrolled in afterschool activities. The ASP must be district operated; the school food authority must retain financial and management responsibilities for the program, and snacks must be claimed through the food service department.

Any school/site currently participating in the National School Lunch Program may participate in the ASP. The program must provide children aged 18 or under (at the start of the school year) with regularly scheduled educational or enrichment activities in a supervised environment after the school day has ended. Organized, interscholastic athletic programs are not eligible to participate in the program.

Eligibility for the Regular ASP is based on the same income guidelines as the NSLP, which determines reimbursement in paid, free, and reduced price categories.

The Area Eligible ASP provides the snack free to all children in a qualified attendance area. A qualified attendance area is eligible for this program if the site has 50% or more of the enrolled children approved for free and reduced price meals.

To qualify for reimbursement, afterschool snacks must meet federal requirements. Afterschool snacks must include at least two servings of different foods from these five components: Fluid milk, meat/meat alternate, vegetable, fruit, and whole or enriched grain. Serving sizes vary based on the grade level of the students. One snack per day may be claimed for reimbursement.

More information may be found on the USDA Afte​r School Snack Fact Sheet​.

​Pennsylvania Department of Education
Bureau of Food and Nutrition
333 Market Street, 4th Floor
Harrisburg, PA 17126
717-787-7698 or 800-331-0129

School Nutrition Program –