To determine eligibility of an individual to possess a firearm, it is necessary to contact the Pennsylvania Instant Check System (PICS) unit, if you are a:
- Law enforcement Officer
- County Sheriff
- Pennsylvania Licenses Firearms Dealer
who is conducting a firearms-related transaction, including:
- Purchase or transfer of a firearm
- Obtaining a license to carry
- Returning firearms held in safekeeping or evidence
Contacting PICS
Eligibility checks can be initiated by calling PICS or using the web-based tool ePICS.
Dealer checks
Firearms dealers can call 1-888-684-7247 for eligibility checks.
Evidence returns
Officers with evidence return forms can fax them to 717-705-2308.
Log in to ePICs for web-based queries at epics.pa.gov. To set up access to ePICS, contact the PSP Help Desk at 1-877-777-3375 and choose the ePICS option.
General information
Users with questions about PICS processes or forms should call 717-705-8843.