Manage PENNVEST Funds Disbursement

You can manage your projects and funds from PENNVEST online using the PV Portal.


As you accrue expenses under an approved project loan, you can request funds through Funds Disbursement within the PV Portal to cover those costs. Disbursement is completed in three phases:  Awaiting Settlement, Disbursement, and Project Close Out.

To Manage Funds Disbursement, you must log into the PV Portal using a valid Keystone Login username and password to visit the Funds Disbursement area.

If you do not yet have a username and password, the PV Portal provides you with a "Register for Keystone Login" link to create a user account.



Instructions for Managing Funds Disbursement

  • 1

    Log into the PV Portal

    The landing page you are directed to upon signing in will list all of the project applications for which you are listed as a contact.

  • 2

    Select the project for which you wish to manage funds disbursement

  • 3

    In the project, select the Funds Disbursement tab under the project details



Activities Available Under Funds Disbursement

You have access to various tabs under Funds Disbursement which allows you to perform various tasks and gain information about the status of your loan.  Within each section, in the PV Portal, there are step-by-step instructions on how to perform each task and other helpful information about the section.

This area gives you a high-level view of the project details, the amount available PENNVEST funds for the project, amount of funding available through other sources, the percentage of funds already disbursed for the project, and chart showing the status of disbursements.

Within the Budget area, you can view the project’s current budget during disbursement, the budget that was approved at time of settlement and the original budget that was included in the PENNVEST application for which the PENNVEST Board approving the project for funding.

The Contracts area allows you to view the list of contracts tied to the project and add new contracts as the project progresses. Contracts must be added to this area and be approved prior to the value of the contract being included in the total of a line item in the budget tab. A contract must also be entered into the system before you can request a payment. The contract is the documentation in the payment process that indicates what project budget line item the released funds will apply to.

When project values need to be shifted from one contract to another, a change order is required. Any contract changes will need to be supported by updated bids/quotes.

This area is where invoices received for project costs are stored. When submitting a payment estimate, you must select the contract against which the cost on the invoice was originally budgeted. A pay estimate is required to be submitted in the system prior to requesting a payment.

Once you have submitted a contract and payment estimate applicable to an expense, you are now ready to request disbursement of funds, through the Payment Requests area, to cover the costs incurred.

Before a project loan can close, inspections are required. They can also be requested on an interim basis. The Inspections area is the location where all inspections and related documents are listed and stored.

The Closeout section is populated and managed by the PENNVEST and DEP teams but is also accessible by the borrower to view the status of requirements leading to closeout.  

The resources section houses the document library. Within this library, you can add any documents pertinent to the project loan. However, all documents that have been uploaded in other sections for the project are all viewable from the Document Library list. This area is handy if you know the document you wish to view but aren’t certain during which activity in the system it was uploaded. 



System Requirements for the PV Portal

Microsoft Edge or Google Chrome is required to use all PENNVEST on-line applications. Although most PENNVEST on-line applications may run successfully in other browsers, Microsoft Edge is currently the platform recommended to run the PENNVEST applications at this time, with Google Chrome being the only other adequate alternative.

Adobe Acrobat Version 10 is required to view Adobe Acrobat “PDF” files available in PENNVEST on-line applications. Adobe's Free Reader is available at Adobe's website:

Display Settings for PENNVEST applications have been configured to optimally fit in a 1024x769 pixel screen area.

If a Pop-Up Blocker is installed on your browser, you should give the blocker permission to allow pop-ups from PENNVEST websites. Contact your system administrator if you need help with changing the settings.