Upload or Review Officer Separation Records in the MPOETC Training and Certification System

Police agency officials who want to submit or review officer separations records should access the MPOETC Training and Certification System (TACS).


Act 57 of 2020 required the Commission to develop a database to hold separation records of all "law enforcement officers" in the Commonwealth (defined as "peace officers" in Title 18 Pa.C.S.A. § 501). The act required the database to be operational by July 14, 2021, and temporary regulations to be established by March 14, 2021.

In the months leading up to July 14, 2021, the Commission provided informational briefings that explained the development of the database and how agencies would interact to upload information for officers prior to the database being operational. Links to these earlier presentations are at the bottom of the page and will continue to be available for agencies to review if they have questions about the development of the program. Below are training presentations focused on specific functions that agencies will conduct in TACS.

Act 57 agency enrollment

Law enforcement agencies who have not enrolled in the MPOETC Training and Certification System should download the enrollment form and send the completed form to MPOETC at RA-SPMPOACT57@pa.gov.  If you are not sure if your agency is enrolled, you may contact MPOETC at 717-346-4086 (Option 1) to determine your agency's status.

“How to” (training sessions)

Agencies with questions not answered in the presentation above should send an email to RA-SPMPOACT57@pa.gov with a contact name and telephone number and MPOETC staff will contact you to provide guidance.

Informational briefings

For more information

Questions about the program may be submitted to RA-SPMPOACT57@pa.gov. Questions are answered in each of the presentations above and will be combined into a single FAQ document in the future.

See Act of July 14, 2020, P.L. 613, No. 57 (2020) and Title 44 Pa.C.S.A. Chapter 73 (2020).