Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission

Apply for an Extended Trout Season Permit in Non-Stocked Trout Waters

A permit is required from the Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission per 58 PA. Code § 65.26 to extend trout season in waters that are not stocked trout waters.

About Extended Trout Season

The extended trout season is in effect from the day after Labor Day until the third Monday of February of the following year. A creel limit of three trout per day and a minimum size limit of 7 inches applies during this season. 

Application Instructions

1. Section A: Applicant Information.

  • List the applicant’s legal name. If the applicant is a corporation, trust, association, or other organized group, enter the entity’s legal name.
  • List the applicant’s address. For an entity as described above, list the principal place of business.
  • If applicable, list the jurisdiction under the laws of which the entity was created or organized, usually the state where legally housed. d. Enter form preparer name and title, if different from the applicant.

2. Section B: Waterbody Information.

  • List details of waterbody section requested.
  • Enter section length or size for only the section you intend to utilize.
  • Enter GPS coordinates for only the section you intend to utilize.

3. Options for application submittal:

  • Preferred method: Email to
  • Mail to Director, Bureau of Administration, PA Fish and Boat Commission, P.O. Box 67000, Harrisburg, PA 17106-7000.

4. Complete all sections fully. Incomplete applications will be returned without action.

5. Permit holders must re-apply for a new permit at expiration. PFBC does not issue renewals.

6. Any party, including the applicant, who is aggrieved by a decision of the Executive Director to grant or deny a permit under Section 2906 of the Code, may appeal the decision to the full Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission. Appeals must conform to 1 Pa. Code § 35.20. The Executive Director may stay a permit upon filing of an appeal. Appeals shall be disposed of in accordance with the General Rules of Administrative Practice and Procedure, as amended or supplemented by Commission rules.